
May 09, 2006 19:18

Firstly, admire teh pizza. I had pizza today with akifall. She took that photo... which, proudly features her thumb. I thought it was a dream come true for me. Seriously yum. To hunt: Union House @ the place formerly known as Frank's Pizza.

Shush. I'm on a roll~

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not. The questions will depend on how I feel.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (Just in the comment is fine with me)
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

amyishida's Questions
1. If you could have a life supply of food from ONE country, which country would it be?
Hong Kong. Because it imports foods from a whole lotta places :D ... plus street food is like yay~! The fruit there is nicer too. I love my Fuji Apples *o*

2. What part of CGing your own art do you find the hardest to do and how have you over come that difficulty?
That's a good question. I used to find colouring the hardest, but now it isn't as hard. I guess I have trouble creating 'texture' or shadows to make stuff more 3D. However, in 100% truth I am stuck on the most basic thing - drawing the lines. I have no idea if it is my mouse abilities or the version of photoshop that I have. I find it extremely hard to 'draw' what I want. I can't seem to draw with smooth lines. I remember using Adobe Illustrator about 5 years ago at school - it had a brush tool that made smooth lines. I don't have anything like that at the moment. >>; Ah, well. I'm getting things done faster every time, not that the lines are 100% smooth - practice makes perfect ._.

3. If there is one thing you could change about your working environment (boss, uniform, customers, food) what would it be and why?
... I would say I want to change the carpet. It really needs a good clean. It's driving me insane at the moment.

4. If you were stranded on an island, what is one WEIRD thing you would need with you but maybe not for others?
Hee. I would NEED my eczema cream. But otherwise (if my health wasn't a problem) ... I would like a potato farm. ^o^

5. What is one unforgettable memory in your childhood?
When Lulu's eye got poked out by Jennifer. Chopsticks did the trick. My poor doll. ;o; I was so traumatised and angry. It wasn't funny. ^^; A more happier memory though would be when I got the kit from an old show called Rumpas Room for my birthday. I was able to follow the show as it went along with my toys. 'Bend and stretch, reach for the stars~ Stand on your tipy-toes and reach ever so far~!' Or something like that. XD

kuchren's Questions
1. Where did the alias QT originate?
It took me AGES, but once I decided it - I couldn't get rid of it... no matter how hard I tried. That's QT came from a Playstation game :, which never refered to QT as a person. It was just the name of the game. That game series had quite a few That's [insert whatever here]... Anyhow, I decided QT sounded like 'cutie' and since some people tend to overkill the word 'cute' when they are around me - it seemed fitting. Not 100% original but I derived a different idea from the game. ^^;

2. If you could live the life of any animanga character, whose life would you live and why?
I would be Sailor Moon~ *victory pose* ... because a life like her's would not be very hard for me to adopt. I already fulfill the requirements of 'clutz' and one who can easily get lost. I've gotten on the wrong train once before. Lucky I didn't fall asleep that day and realised I should get off. ^^; But yea... I loved the show when I was young. I thought she was stupid and liked the other scouts much better. Unfortunately, I can't see myself fitting any other character >>;

3. If one wish could be granted, reguardless of any obstacles, what would you wish for?
World peace :D ... I would want everyone to live happy lives... and not struggle too much. ^^; If it was a selfish wish - I wish to be able to do what I enjoy most with everyone's approval.

4. When you were young, what was the first occupation you remember thinking, "I want to be that when I grow up"? Do you still feel that way now?
The very first occupation I wanted was 'lolly-pop lady' ... an Aussie term for 'crossing road lady'. Someone who helps people cross the road - they hold a sign and they wear a uniform... One of the lowest paying and oddest jobs to wish for. ^^; I think what I really wanted to do is help people. ^^; I don't want to be a crossing road lady now, but I still want to help people. I think I want to have an occupation that other people can enjoy/appreciate. Something that can bring a smile to their faces. ^^~

5. If Pokemon were real, and you owned a Snorlax, what would you do with it?
I would... take a nap with it. I would sleep on it's belly. And then when we wake up we can have meals together. :D The only thing I would be afaid of is if it decides to 'roll over' then I would be squished x_X;

quizes & memes

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