Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their journal to let these people know.
01. I want to be able to mail order a boyfriend just like in Zettai Kareshi - Absolute Boyfriend
02. My self defense mechanism to perverted chefs will activate soon *sharpens stolen steak-knives* >D
03. I haven't sat upside-down on my couch for more than 2 months. I hope the withdrawal symptoms are not starting to show
04. It took me two days to finish reading Blade of Fortriu by Juliet Mariller
05. I just recently discovered that its possible for a someone to conduct an entire lecture with their eyes closed - I didn't end up paying much attention to anything else but her eyelids. Are they closed or not?? My internal debate D:
06. I'm craving to make icons - some people crave to bake ... I crave to icon - yesh
07. I have donated a total of $17.00 Aus this fortnight .__. *waves hanky to money*
08. I have 5 socks in my drawer missing a match; Where have they gone? It's a mystery :O
09. My print credit at university stands still at $0.10 Aus = One page
10. A poster featuring all 150 Pokemon is framed up on the wall of my bedroom ... GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!!!
Please note: I can count. I decided to post ten, since I was tagged by
amyishida and
hirothepenguin... But I will only tag 5 people, because I seriously do not believe I have enough friends who will actually respond to my whim. However, if you would like to complete the meme - then I TAG YOU!!
tekistar is now tagged Purely because I will be wanting to rent her steak-knives for free
Next to be infected:
xylish and