hey long time no umm "update"... i was busy being natalie... well people how is your life? mines fine... and i love new years, NEW STARTS... so survey-ation and my job here is done... HOOK OF THE CAPTAIN KIND norman daily is down ::tears:: ... ok going...may watch king arthur again... sad that danny gave napoleon dynamite 2 Colby till "further notice" oy...it might be like 2 or 3 more days... i'm sad cuz i <3 it... i still gotta watch Finding Neverland... no time... i must do the survey(s?) and put up my 2 songs yes 2 and get off... ::mmmm BOONE....what was that.... ummm m-a-t-r-i-x MAYTRIX ... ummm yes?... good movie... -teacher rolls eyes-:: ha that's bound to happen... -Naty
-sings quietly in stairwell thinking i'm alone- voice at the bottom, "that's pretty" me -gulp- *thinks: HOOK OF THE CAPTAIN KIND It's JOSH MILLER* "heh thanks *DOW* Josh, "later" ...so not fair
"Sidewalks"-Story Of The Year
The bridge is all crumbled.
The water soaks into rocks
that fell at the bottom of the road (At the end of the town.)
The town that we lived in.
The memories shaken apart from the weeds that grow
Over the sidewalks,
Running away from the streets we knew,
Like the time we thought was made for you.
Out on the front porch,
watching the cars as they go by
(Eighteen blue, twenty one grey)
Looking ahead for the first time that we could drive,
Out on our own,
To speed away
From the sidewalks,
Running away from the streets we knew,
Like the time we thought was made for you.
All of the days have passed us by,
All of the sun is gone... away.
Running away from the streets we knew,
Running away from the streets we knew,
Like the time we thought was made for you.
The bridges are crumpled,
The water soaks into rocks,
That fell at the bottom of the road.
"Reinventing Your Exit" -UnderOath
12th and hyde on a sunday
Feeling like were grown
And we're nothing short of invincible (INVICIBLE)
It starts again
Can you feel it
It takes your breath away
Stop saying that we're invincible
(its round and round)
Youre uninviting, unrewarding
And I'm misinforming you
Misinforming you
We all want to be, wanna be somebody
Right now we're just looking for the exit
This is the way I would have done things
Up against the wall
Up against the wall
You've got me up against your wall
This is the way I would have done things
Up against the wall
Up against the wall
You've got me up against your wall
Its you and me on a monday
The lies that we told
This is were we both go numb now
You broke my heart again this time
Your fading now you crossed the line
You crossed the line
We all want to be somebody
Right now we're just looking for the exit
Reaching out for a hand
Its not here
But your not here
Your not here
This is the way i would have done things
Up against the wall
Up against your wall
This is the way we should have done
When were up against our wall
Up against our wall
1. Places you hung out the most in this year: Connors
2. Favorite new place you discovered: Bella.
3. Places you went on Dates: Movies...
4. Favorite vacation spot for the year: Massanutten or Snowboarding with Connor
5. Favorite places you made out in this year: The Rain
6. Persons who taught you most this year: Myself
7. An old friend you rediscovered this year: Elise..???
8. Person who told you the nicest thing about yourself: .It was anonomous... don't know who they are...
9. Persons who did something really great for you (and what): Laura! Took me to church, saving my life I lubith cha
10. Persons you spent the most time with this year: Connor
11. Person you did something really great for (and what): ... I listen to my friends when they need me, i like to think that's helpful
12. Someone you wished you talked to this year: Jack
13. Someone Whom You Started a great new friendship with: Zach, Matt, John, Erin, EMO!, Megan!, Killian, Garrett, Barbara, the other Megan, Ashley, Katie S., Sam, Tina ... ok this can go on for FOREVER
14. Old enemy/s you made peace with this year: Brittany
15. Someone you lost this year: Connor in the mall that one time... yea i don't think i really did
16. Person/s you kissed this year: WAY to many to list....NEXT
17. Persons who made you laugh the most: Connor, Lil Diddy, Emo, and all ma Boys
18. Persons who made you cry: Myself
19. Person you disliked when the year began but ended up becoming good friends with: Hmph... brittany i suppose
20. Person you crushed on the entire year: gosh... no one REALLY.... nope... i guess kinda vince but i just thought of him as "that one hot guy in the hall" until a little later
21. Someone you wished to apologized to: gosh... my friends
22. People you went out on dates with: urg...
23. Friends you went out with a lot: like to hang or date... i dk
24. Coolest person you met this year: coolest Emo, Erin, or Megan girl wise, but there are SO many cool people.
25. Clothing item you wore most this year: easy... faded paris blue jeans
26. Nicest present you got this year: BACON... i wasn't expecting it... it was awesome...i love my mammoth
27. Favorite songs for the year: that changed alot... as i heard more bands and so on
28. Coolest event for the year: Flipside Festival then Warped Tour '04 in a close 2nd
29. New hobby you picked up this year: Writting my own music WITH guitar (and/or fife)
30. Best book of the year: Guitar Girl
31. Best movie: to come out: GIRL NEXT DOOR: unrated Discovered: BOONDOCK SAINTS
32. Most shocking news headline of the year: nshs LOOSES STATES.... ouch lol wasn't shocking but did sorta suck
33. Favorite food of the year: corn ...yummeh
34. Favorite new artist that came out this year: the killers
35. Wisest thing you did this year: Go to theropy.
36. Stupidest thing you did this year: Go to theropy
37. Biggest change in your life this year: the summers events.
38. Biggest challenge of the year: Trying to not neglect old friends while i make so many new ones and still try to be the same person they think of me as...
39. Something you learned the hard way: Long blonde hair and blue eyes gets you far in life...well farther then i can ever go hahahaha...i was in denile
40. Greatest lesson you learned this year: I'm Beautiful to God so "F" the boys that disagree cuz I got God
41. Best joke you've heard all year: smile like a doughnut and cluck like a chicken
42. Biggest disappointment of the year: not dating the guys i REALLY liked...
42. Biggest blessing of the year: friends and nana
43. Biggest thing you discovered about the world: it is unpredictable, learn to swim
44. Biggest thing you discovered about people in general: girls don't think they just gossip and boys can only think with one head at a time
45. Goals/dreams for the new year: Loose some more weight, actually PASS 10th grade... getta car (hopefully a bug)
46. Predictions for the next year: seeing as how it is HERE... it rocks so far now i mus attempt to maintain the lovely stability
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? mmm about EVERYTHING.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? yeah.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? thank god no
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yoda my hamster
5. What countries did you visit? ....
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? MONEH and a decent guy
7. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? September 11th... I GOT MY PERMIT.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? almost 4.0 gpa
9. What was your biggest failure? Failing Alg.2
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? hahaha HELLS YEAH
11. What was the best thing you bought? umm some picks for my guitar
14. Where did most of your money go? my friends... going to see their shows, and go to group movie nights...
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Warped Tour
16. What song will always remind you of 2004? "Iris" -Goo Good Dolls
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or Sadder - happier
Older or wiser - both
Thinner or fatter? - thinner
Richer or poorer? - more rich
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? skateboarding
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? computer CRAP
20. How will you be spending Christmas? i spent it in my rum.
21. (It was missing)
22. Did you fall in love in 2004? no suh
23. (It was missing.)
24. What was your favorite TV program? LOST or Laguna Beach
25. (answered already).
26. What was the best book you read? Guitar Girl
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? TRANSITION!!!!!!
28. What did you want and get? MCR's cd ...i was countin down the days for that sexay bitch lol
29. What did you want and not get? a new guitar
30. What was your favorite film of this year? BOONDOCK SAINTS
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 15, not a damn thing it was just me elise stevo n t-sa we watched Danny skate, watched they and went to sleep
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? sex... JUST KIDDING... better grades aka less shitty teachers
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? ...oh perfect, ::Sniff:: "oh that's clean" puts it on
34. What kept you sane? theropy
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Norman Reedus, Jake Gyllenhaal, Colin Farrell
36. What political issue stirred you the most? the election... i remember my first concert and the one band singing passionantly "FUCK REPUBLICANS"... oh how i agree
37. Who did you miss? Jack and Arta and all my other southies... the of course Jackie and Elise
38. (answered already).
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: Things aren't worth killing yourself over, live and piss everyone else of tehehehe