Aug 17, 2004 21:09
I should probably update more, but eh. Oh well. Deal with it. I have a few things to say here. Mainly on the topic of Alien Vs. Predator.
To begin with, are there Penguins in Antarctica? We are having this debate. I didn't think there were, I thought they were at the North Pole, but others believe it to be the other way around. Somebody clarify this for me.
The Predators. They looked great. They acted great. They died. What was up with this? Seriously. I can accept that the Predators are capable of dying. It is quite possible. What got me was the fact that they had to go unlock their weapons. No. That's just wrong. It didn't work like that.
The Aliens. They don't impale people with their tails, for Christs sake! They poked people with them, and injected them with a poison. It was not meant to be an impaling weapon. Secondly, on the topic of Aliens. WHY IN GOD'S NAME DID IT ONLY TAKE THEM 10 MINUTES TO GROW?!
The Queen. Unlike the other aliens, she was the original. She was there from the beginning of the Predators little ritual. I accepted this, they had her frozen. The Queen is more powerful than the other aliens. That is a given. But she is NOT more powerful to the point of surviving the nuclear explosion caused by the Predator. It just doesn't work like that.
The Humans. They died. They died a lot. And there was no spine ripping out of. The black girl did not die. I'm not racist, but this is just unusual. It rarely ever happens. And what of Bishop? In 2004, it is obvious that we do not have androids. But in Aliens, and Alien 3, there was a Bishop. In Aliens it was an android. In Alien 3, he claimed to be the real Bishop, the one who created the androids. Somebody told me that he was really an android too, I do not remember this part, so I will have to rewatch. But if he was not an android in Alien 3, how is it then, that Bishop DIED in Alien Vs. Predator in 2004, and was alive in Alien 3? Speak to me on this topic.
The Black Girl who suddenly became worthy of receiving a Predator Staff. I know she killed an alien. She did let the Predator give her the mark. But here's my question, isn't the Predator only suppose to receive his mark from his Trainer, not put it on himself? Isn't that against the Predator law? Honestly now. I can see him putting it on the girl, because in a sense, he "trained" her. But no. And putting the mark on the helmet? No. You wouldn't do that. Not at all.