Title: The Nerd, the Creep and the Liar (Chapter 7)
thatgurlhunts Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki / Yabu Kota x Inoo Kei / Yamada Ryosuke x Chinen Yuri
(on other parts: Yaotome Hikaru, Okamoto Keito, Nakajima Yuto )
Rating: PG
Warning: AU, language and bad grammar
Summary: Meet the nerd, the creep and the liar
Shit! The explosion is getting
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Comments 6
and off to the comment for this chapter :
...they have such great parents.. but daiki, don't blame yourself :) Kei will be helping you :3 along with the genius yuri xD and of course your future boyfriend-to-be yuya.
anyway. thank you for reading. :-)
Nooo What happened to Dai-chan?!....π_π
My Dai-chan is always Cute~~~....>\\\\<
Hi's Photos are everywhere in my phone and notebook.... XD
more secrets will be revealed. :-)
this is my first time reading your fic and wow it's very interesting *O*
waiting for new chappie~~~
ps: hope u don't mind that i add you to my friend list a.k.a. interesting fic writers XD
call me AKI.
thank you for liking my ficx. You can add me on your list then I`ll add you back. Hope you won`t get tired of reading.
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