Captivated 6 (Book 1 of SEASONS OF THE MOON Series)

Nov 10, 2014 17:38

Title:  Captivated 6 (Book 1 of SEASONS OF THE MOON Series)
Author: thatgurlhunts
Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki  
Rating: PG
Warning: cursing, language and bad grammar
Summary: Arioka Daiki is a 17-year old human, non-existing boy at school. He stays low and unnoticed to hide his dark secret. He’s gay. Takaki Yuya, a werewolf and the soon to be Alpha of his pack, has been looking for his mate ever since he had his 18th birthday.

**NOTE: Here is an update for you guys! Thank you for your continued support.

Yuya’s POV

“Crap. I forgot about my toxins. I’m sorry Dai-chan.” I caught him when he passed out. I shoved the hair that covered his beautiful face and licked on his wounds and they slowly healed. You see, we can heal ourselves and other wolves but it’s the most effective if we’re going to heal our mates. Ryosuke tried healing his wounds earlier but they took longer, unlike mine. I also carry the Alpha toxins that can either heal or kill somebody. Not that I plan on killing my mate of course. Daiki’s breathing was better and I stood up to heat the soup, I’m sure he’s hungry when he wakes up.

“How’s he?” I turned around to see my mom smiling at me.
“Oh, he’s fine.” She followed me to the kitchen. I tensed. My mom can read me like an open book and I can sense that she knew something but she’s keeping quiet about it. I almost jumped when she touched my back.
“Yuya, you’re my son and I’ll accept everything about you. Even if the world is against you, I’ll stand by you, me and your father. Don’t forget that, okay?”
“T-Thanks mom.”  She pulled me closer and our foreheads touched. Just a small gesture but it made me feel closer to her.
“Now, hand me that and go back upstairs. The boy might wake up anytime.”  My mom took the soup from me. I skipped up the stairs and walked towards the guest room. I didn’t expect to see Hikaru by the door.

“He’s your mate.” It was not a question.
“We can’t have a fag in the pack.”
“What did you say?!” He didn’t just call my mate a fag.
“The pack will never accept two alphas. It will bring ruin to us and the neighboring packs will see that as our weakness and attack us. Did you ever consider that?” He hissed at me.
“If the pack cannot accept my mate, then they can leave!”
“You’re going to let them leave, let them die in the hands of the rouges so you can have your little fag mate?!”
“Hikaru! That’s out of line! I’m going to your alpha!”
“And I’m your beta and I say that right now, you let go of the boy or I’ll make sure to kill him rather than put the pack in danger!” That’s it. I saw red. The thought of Hikaru killing my mate set me to the edge. The next thing I knew, we were outside the main house. It was after I felt a pang of pain on my back when Hikaru threw me out and we destroyed the wooden wall. Fortunately, the pups were at school and wouldn’t have to witness their soon-to-be alpha and beta trying to kill each other. I’m the next alpha and I’m strong but Hikaru is the next beta and he’s almost at par with mine. But beta or not, if he’s a threat to my mate’s life, I’m going to eliminate him. We started to gain attention when other pack members came to see what was happening. Hikaru’s father was there but he didn’t dare stop us when he finally put together everything about his son trying to kill the alpha’s mate. We were still sane enough not to shift specially that there’s a human in our midst. We had to fight in human form. We were yanked from each other by Ryosuke and Kei.

“That is enough Yuya, Hikaru!”
“I’ll kill that bastard!”  I struggle against Ryosuke’s grip.
“Stop it!” I flipped him over to the ground and pounded on him but he was fast and agile. He threw a punch at my chest and I felt my lungs struggled to get air at the same time, Hikaru dropped on the ground when Kei twisted his arms and overpowered him. We both shifted to fend off Ryosuke and Kei but I was subdued to the ground by Ryosuke and I heard Hikaru’s wolf howled. My wolf Cana was about to surface but he stopped when he felt an overwhelming power but it wasn’t from Hikaru. A power that Cana himself recognized and accepted.

“H-Hikaru?” But Hikaru stayed on the ground whimpering.
“It can’t be…”  I howled in agony. Hikaru might be a dick and asshole but he’s still my friend but he fell. A new beta rose up and was recognized by Cana. I turned to Beta Koki and he looked down in disappointment.

Ryosuke’s shorter than me but his power and authority overwhelmed me. I thought it was Kei I felt earlier but no, it was Ryosuke and he was holding me down. The guy snapped out of reality and he trembled before me and released his hold on me.
“I-I’m sorry.”
I smiled at him awkwardly and then he realized it. Cana accepted him as the new beta.

“No!” The poor kid looked horrified. He’s too young and he knew Hikaru will be hurt. I nodded at him.
Kei helped Hikaru back to the main house to treat his wounds.

Ryosuke’s POV

“I-I can’t.”  I cannot do this. I cannot be the beta. I wasn’t from this pack and I don’t have a family here.
“But the moon goddess chose you, son.” I looked up at Beta Koki. I knew he’s hurting. It’s supposed to be Hikaru and not me. It’s supposed to be his son.
“Beta, I’m not from here. I don’t have a family, I don’t have…”
“This is your pack, this is your family. There is a reason why you’re the beta. If you’re thinking about Hikaru, he’ll get over it.”
“I’m s-scared.”
“You’ll do great my boy. I’m sure about that.” Beta Koki looked away like he just remembered something.
“Now this changes things. Alpha Jin hasn’t come back yet and I’m sure he’ll be happy to welcome you too. Once he gets back, we’ll talk about the ceremony. All we have to do is to wait for Yuya’s mate. I wonder what’s taking so long that his other half hasn’t shown up yet.”

My eyes widened. For a smart and strong beta, Koki can be dense and idiot sometimes. The other alpha is in the pack house and sleeping. What would happen if the pack knew that the alpha’s mate is a male, a male that cannot produce an offspring? Will they accept it or will they go against Yuya and Dai-chan?

“Rest for now, boy. Everything will be alright.” I nodded but I went to Dai-chan’s room instead of mine. He’s still sleeping and Yuya was there with him.

“Yuya, I cannot do this. I cannot be your beta. Hikaru, I feel bad for Hikaru.”
“If I can save you from this, I will but the goddess herself chose you to be the new beta.”
“I don’t like this at all. I can feel that this is going to be difficult.”
“It will and I want you to be there with me. I feel bad for Hikaru too, but he won’t do anything that will endanger the pack.”
I nodded. Yuya was right, Hikaru might be an ass but he cares about the pack and he will not do anything that will harm any of us. I looked at the sleeping boy and I heard a low growl from Yuya.

“I won’t touch him, I’m just worried about him. He will be thrown into the midst of everything being your mate and all. I wonder if he can take it.”
“He can and he will.”
“Just don’t be too harsh on him. If you do anything stupid and hurt him, alpha or not I will hurt you.”
“Is that a threat?”
“I don’t threat people.”
“Speaking like a true beta. Well then, I can expect your full loyalty to me, the pack and my mate.”
“Of course. ”

Jin’s POV   ’

I took a walk to the thick forest far from the pack and sheltered from civilization only welcomed by a poisoned dagger on my neck.

“Why did you call me here?” I heard a sweet voice. Sweet voice but dangerous and I haven’t heard it in years.
“Tomo-chan, relax. It’s just me.”
“All the reason I cannot drop my weapon. We agreed that we won’t see each other anymore, why did you call me Jin?”
“I want to know why your son is my son’s mate? ”
“Daisuke? ”
“No, your youngest.”
“What?! That can’t be. My Dai-chan.?”  Tomo looked confused. “He cannot be.”
“The goddess’ thinks otherwise.”
“I don’t care! My boy won’t be mated to a werewolf.”
“Don’t call me that! Shit! We were through this Jin.”
“I know, we tried to avoid it last time but our children found their way to each other.”
“My boy, where is he?”
“He’s with the pack, with Yuya and Ryosuke. Speaking of Ryosuke, he didn’t sense anything about you. That boy is an idiot sometimes, he could have been killed.”
“Did you really think I would kill my son’s friend?!”
“No. I’m sorry.” I better not get into her skin or she will kill me. Tsk!
“No Jin. My son is not going to be mated to your boy. That is final.”
“But, the pack needs the boy. It will be the only way for the pack to survive---please Tomo. For my Yuya and for your son too---”
“No! I will not---shhh! Someone’s here.”  I sniffed the surroundings and she was right. I didn’t hear of smell anything but Tomo was right. I felt her warm body touched mine and in an instant, she was in fighting stance. She was looking at a darker part of the woods. I had to adjust my vision to see what was coming.
“Tomo! ” I panicked when she wasn’t beside me anymore but she flipped a rouge werewolf on the ground and slicing its neck with her poisoned dagger. For a moment, I was mesmerized.

She moved swiftly and gracefully, like when we were younger. When I thought she was my forever. When we thought we were meant to be together, until I broke her heart because Kame, my mate came to my life.

“Jin! There are more!”

I shifted to my wolf form and ran to her. It has been a very long time since I fought side by side with Tomo, a rouge hunter.

-------------------------------------------------------End of Chapter 6 --------------------------------------------------


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