Title: Baka couple`s fight
thatgurlhuntsPairing: Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki
Rating: PG
Warning: failed comedy, language and bad grammar
Summary: Because Arioka is extremely jealous of Shinkawa Yua and Takaki is furious of Daiki showing his butt to entire Japan!
``Yikes!`` Yuri was just in time to dodge a book flying towards him and again,closed the door to JUMP`s dressing room.
``How was it?`` Yuto asked.
``It was bad, really bad.``
``Yappari..``Yuto winced while the others scratched their head.
``You`re so old and you don`t even know what fan service is!`` Daiki shouted at his boyfriend, Yuya.
``I know what fan service is, but my problem is you have to rub your butt and let the entire country see it?!``
``Like I said, it was fan service!``
``Ànd that foreign guy carrying you like a princess, part of the fan service, too?!``
``Yes! And you, why is that Shikawa-onna always with you?!``
``We`re in the same drama!``
``Don`t use the drama as an excuse!``
``I`m not making excuses! Your jealousy is out of place! Daiki!``
``Don`t Daiki -me you womanizer!``
``You`re acting like a girl, stupid!``
``Don`t call me stupid! You..you..I hate you, Yuya!``
Daiki locked himself inside the shower room.
``Leave me alone! Let`s break up! Leave me alone!``
``Break up?!`` JUMP chorused when Takaki gave them the report.
``Just give him some time, Takaki. He was just jealous.`` Yabu tapped his shoulder.
``Flirting? Dai-chan, they`re in the same drama.``
``I know, but I can`t help it.``
``I trust Yuto that`s why I don`t get jealous of the girls around him.`` Yamada said smugly.
``Hmm. I trust Yuya too but, I really don`t feel good about that Shinkawa-onna.``
``You mean, you have that female instinct?``
``Should I kick your ass?`` Tsk! Female instinct?
The rest of JUMP were laughing while watching Yuto and Takaki`s drama. His eyes focused on Yuya looking intently at the girl wearing swim suit, showing her smooth curvy body, breast, and long legs. Everything Daiki doesn`t have because he`s a freaking male!
He felt something warm ran his cheeks and he realized that he`s crying. He quietly went upstairs to his and Yuya`s room. They`re in cold war but they still stay in one room without talking to each other.
``Ne, minna! Let`s watch again Ninomiya-san`s show where Dai-chan showed his butt!`` Hikaru suggested.
``No way!`` Takaki protested.
``Of course, you will!``
``Nooo!`` His protest was drowned when he was forced by his bandmates to watch the video.
He had no choice but to watch and his eyes narrowed when he realized something. Something more dangerous than the foreigner carrying his penguin bride-style. More dangerous than fangirls or entire Japan seeing his penguin rub his butt on camera.
``Shit! Shit! Shit! Where`s Dai-chan?`` He asked the others.
``He went upstairs, crying.`` Yamada scoffed at him.
Takaki ran upstrairs. Hikaru was grinning.
``Alright, what was that Hika?`` Yabu asked his bestfriend.
``He`s not stupid as he looks, especially when it comes to Dai-chan.``
Yuya gently knocked and opened the door to their room. He found his penguin sleeping. He smiled to see how cute and angelic Daiki`s face is. Shinkawa might be pretty but Daiki is the one he loves, and he wouldn`t allow the penguin to break up with him.
I`m not letting you go, ever!
He gently kissed his cheek and saw traces of tears that ran dry.
``I`m sorry.`` Daiki slowly opened his eyes.
``Hmm. Yuya?``
``Yes, my princess.``
``Who are you calling your princess?!`` Daiki glared at him but he was having difficulty breathing being underneath Yuya.
``You are. You are my princess.``
``We`re over! You can go to your Shinka---`` He stopped when Yuya captured his lips. He tried to stop him but his boyfriend dropped himself on him to stop him from moving.
``Yu-Yuya, you`re heavy.``
``I`m sorry, Daiki. I didn`t think you will be that jealous over Shinkawa-san.``
``Because she`s everything I`m not. I don`t have boobs, I`m short and I`m..``
``You`re perfect. You are perfect for me and I love you so much.``
``I love you too. I just couldn`t believe that you`ll get jealous over fanservice.``
``Yeah, It was too childish.``
`` I forgive you. So, are we okay now?`` Daiki smiled cutely.
``Of course.`` Takaki kissed him again and started touching him all over. Daiki moaned in response to him. Moments later, more moans and grunts were heard from their room.
``Hmm?`` Daiki was resting on Yuya`s arms.
``From now on, I want you to stay away from Ninomiya-san.``
``Huh? Why``
``Because, I said so.``
``Tell me why?!``
``Because of the way he looks at you!``
The couple started fighting again.
``Woah! You`re right, Hikaru!`` The others were still watching the video.
**NOTE: I`m so sorry Ninomiya-san!!!