Go Easy On Me, Will Ya?

Jan 29, 2008 06:42

Well hi there!
I've been wanting to get a livejournal for a while but I haven't decided to actually get one until now.
This will kind of just be like an intro post thing and then the real stuff will start later.
Or right now. I haven't decided. Sorry if I'm kinda boring. If that's true, then you should probably stop reading this. I will try to update frequently.


If you want to get in touch with me I have MSN, AIM, Myspace, Xbox Live, various email addresses, and a Youtube account (TrinaLeAnne is the username). So just find me on one of those and, yeah. I think you get it. Message for any info you need.

Well now that that's done, these last few days have been very eventful. The whole reason I finally decided to get a blog is because I finally got a brand spankin' new LAPTOP!
Yeah it's pretty much the coolest thing EVER. I've spent the past few days installing all this different stuff on it and I'm very close to being done. Just a few things left to customize and voila!

Also, I was freaking out earlier because Panic at the Disco (for those of you that don't know me, they are my FAVORITE band in the whole entire Universe. Yeah, they rock.) released a new single finally and I LOVE it. And there new album, Pretty. Odd., is finally available for Pre-order. So I went to the site and found out that there is a DELUXE EDITION! It comes with all of this totally awesome stuff and I really really wanted to get it (to add to my collection). When I tried to buy it, however, it said OUT OF STOCK. *Devastation* There was only 10,000 copies so, obviously, I was mortified and deeply worried that I had missed my chance. That was yesterday. I tried it again today and after about 431097491935t19374 tries I got through and bought it. It also came with a discount on The Hush Sound's new album (love them too.) So now I'm uber stoked to get it in March and it even came with a free t-shirt! Sadly they didn't have my size, so i had to get the size slightly bigger :[. Oh well.

Its the start of the new semester at school, and it's not very exciting. I now have drama as my new elective, and so far its a really awesome class. The teacher is really cool. I knew I would like it anyways because I have done lots of drama productions before. We aren't putting on a play in the class or anything, but it should be cool anyways. My other new class is Integrated Science, which is essentially chemistry and physics, which is essentially everything we learned in like seventh grade, only more elaborate. I don't understand why they don't just teach everything one year, and then we move on to another subject the next. Every year is the same stuff, only in a bit more detail. The academic system is retarded. Science is still fun though. The teacher has talkative kids go over and be "Safety Observers" (they watch the fire extinguisher to make sure its always "green and fully charged") as punishment. My last teacher was cooler than the one I have now, but I think I will like this class more. The teacher we have now is a student teacher instead of the one that used to teach the class, who was, according to everyone who had him, totally awesome. So yeah, it kinda sucks,, but I'm fine with it.

Another thing that I'm excited about is that I am possibly going to go get my learner's permit tomorrow, and I start driver's ed next Monday. Now, I, unlike many people my age, have never driven a day in my life. All I have to go off of is this Driver's Manual thing, but that only teaches me the rules of the road, so I guess it doesn't count. I can't wait to drive though. Apparently I'm getting my mom's car instead of a new one, but I'm ok with that because she has a hybrid in a pretty color, which is probably what I would've bought anyways. Not that I have the money for a car, that is.

Also, come June 7th, I'm seeing Panic at the Disco in concert for the THIRD TIME IN A ROW!!! I can't wait. Really. I'm not quite sure whose going with me this time. I try to take a different group of friends each time. And this time I am definitely bringing my camera and USING IT. And I am really hoping for meet and greet passes. I've tried for them in the past, and failed. Third time's the charm, right?

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say right now. I think I'm gonna make my first vlog to put on Youtube now. Or maybe I'll do a little writing. This was kind of a long post, but expect that from me. I get kind of carried away when it comes to writing. Ask my friends. And sorry for the excessive use of CAPS. I guess I get carried away there too. And sorry for my rambling, if its boring to you. And sorry for the excessive apologies. OK, I'm done now.

Until next time,


P.S. In future posts I will be including pictures, but since this is my first and I'm still new to all of this, I decided to let it go for today.
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