Sep 15, 2007 14:20
i'd say so. i mean, it's totally in my face, after all.
not that it's meant to be. it's not a show of any kind. whatsoever. but you can't--i can't, rather--help but notice it.
makes me miss what i can't have, is all.
i've never been the type to have my cake and eat it, too.
maybe i should learn to be a little more adventurous, and put out a little bit less of the vibe i've got going on right now.
oh who am i kidding, that would take months, and by then it'd probably be too late,
and there'd be way too much to clean up after to begin with.
i'm patiently impatient.
i wait for the moments i don't want to come to come.
then i act, all the while cursing my hindsight (and foresight) and wishing i could act retroactively.
wishing i could be the first to get there.