Back 2 Good Chapter 3

Apr 21, 2010 14:20

    Rachel spent all night waiting for Puck to text her back. When she went to bed she left her phone on the bed in front of her so incase he decided to change his mind, she would feel it vibrate. It never did.  Friday morning Puck walked right past Rachel in the hallway without even a glance.  This upset Rachel. Not because Puck wasn’t talking to her (okay maybe that was part of it) but it was because he wasn’t talking to her because he had some crazy idea that she was working with Finn in making him look like a fool. And that was absolutely not true. Especially because as Finn and Santana walked past her, Finn wasn’t even aware that Rachel was there. But Rachel wasn’t going to go to Puck and beg and plead him to forgive her for her untrue crimes. Rachel knew (or maybe it was just hope) that Puck would eventually see the error of his ways and come back to her.  But he needed to come to her on his own.
    When Puck doesn’t show up for English, Rachel is furious. Their project is due on Monday and the teacher had given them class time to work on it. Rachel had refused to let Puck have any possession  of the materials since he was completely unorganized so she had them but she’s now forced to make decisions on her own that she would have rather made with Puck. On top of that, she isn’t sure if he’s going to talk to her at all this weekend so she might as well finish the project on her own. Luckily, she was able to complete her task list on time without Puck’s help.
     At the end of the day, Rachel was pulling all of the books she would need for the weekend out of her locker.  Aside from the project in English that she had just about completed, Rachel had a test in Math on Monday and she had already planned to dedicate all of Saturday evening to studying.
     Some of the Cheerios and Mercedes and Kurt were gathered around Quinn’s locker just a few lockers down and Rachel heard Santana inviting all of them to a party at her house Saturday night. After they disperse, Mercedes came over to Rachel’s locker to ask to borrow her history notes. When Mercedes walks away with just a thank you, Rachel can’t decide if she’s upset or relieved that Mercedes doesn’t ask her to accompany her to yet another party.
~~~~&~~~~    While Rachel is at home Saturday night, completely engrossed with her Math book, Puck is at Santana’s party. But he’s bored out of his mind, and just a tad intoxicated. He always loved when Santana had parties because she always had the best alcohol. But not even the vast amount of alcohol that he had consumed could have saved this party from turning into the disaster that it had become. With a drink in his hand, Puck decided to check out what was going on around the rest of the house. He stumbled down the hallway towards the kitchen and from inside he can hear voices yelling. He knows immediately that it is Finn and Santana when she starts barking at him in Spanish. She’s saying something he’s heard a thousand times but he still has no idea what it means.  He knows better to go inside because he does not need Santana pissed at him, or to be anywhere near Finn right now.  He hears snickering and looks to see that standing a few feet in front of him, on the other side of the kitchen entrance, was Quinn. She seemed to be relishing in the conflict between her ex-boyfriend and the Latina. Puck rolled his eyes and walked away. He didn’t understand why Quinn even came to these parties anymore. She couldn’t drink because she was pregnant and she really just spent a lot of time staring at Finn, or yelling at Puck for getting her pregnant in the same house they were currently in.
 Puck stumbled a bit more until he literally ran into a Cheerio. The only reason he knew that it was a Cheerio was because of those stupid outfits that they wore everywhere. He had already decided that if he ever went into the closet of a Cheerio, there would be nothing but their uniforms. The only time he’d ever seen Brittany and Santana without them is during dress rehearsals and performances for glee.  But back to the Cheerio in front of him who was spouting something about watching where he was walking that he really wasn’t paying attention to. But he smoothed talked his way out of the situation and somehow (ok he knew it was the fact that he was a stud) he also talked his way into her pants.
    Though she had said it a few times, Puck had no idea the name of the girl he was currently sleeping with.  Hell, his brain barely registered what she looked like other than ‘hot’. He didn’t care enough for it to register. He just liked her big boobs and the fact that she let him touch them. But half way through something happened that Puck had never experienced before. He was enjoying himself and from the noises coming from the Cheerio she was enjoying herself as well, but then she moaned ‘Bobby’ and Puck was totally having a ‘what the fuck?’ moment. He was Puck, a stud and sex master and never, EVER has a girl fantasized about being with someone else while they were with him.  He was too good for girls to focus on anyone but Puckzilla. But as the Cheerio kept going, Puck figured he might as well go with it too. It wasn’t something he was used to but he wasn’t going to sacrifice sex for the blow to his ego. Beside, whoever the fuck Bobby was, he was with his girl right now, not him.  When Puck finished, he just laid there on Santana’s brother’s bed and watched as the Cheerio dressed and mumbled a whole bunch of stuff that Puck really wasn’t paying attention to. Rolling his eyes, Puck rolled off the bed after she leaves and gets dressed and exits the room himself. He walks through the crowd of people and out the front door and leaves. The party was lame.
~~~~&~~~~    After spending her Saturday studying rigorously for her math test, Rachel thought she was completely prepared. She also found time to finish her project for English. So while her parents were out looking for garage sales, Rachel planned to spend her Sunday afternoon cleaning the house. She had her Celine Dion CD on loud enough not to disturb the neighbors and had just finished the cleaning the kitchen floor and decided to dust the mantle while she waited for the hardwood to dry. She had just about finished when the doorbell rang. She quickly turned the volume down on the stereo assuming that it was her neighbor; but she had made sure that the volume was at the exact point that they had measured that it wouldn’t bother Mr. and Mrs. Henson. On top of that, it was the middle of the day; she should be allowed to indulge herself.
    “I assure you that the music was at the correct level,” Rachel said opening the door fully expecting Mr. or Mrs. Henson to appear. However, she was shocked, pleasantly shocked, when it was neither of her neighbors.
    Puck watched as Rachel whipped the door open in front of her babbling something about levels of music until she realized that it wasn’t whoever she was expecting. She was dressed differently than he had ever seen her. She had on jeans and a plain white t-shirt that was much too big. Her hair was high on top of her head and she had a fabric headband on to hold in the stray pieces of hair against her head. He was sure that she thought she looked like crap. Puck, on the other hand looked at this Rachel, the one without the short skirts and sweater vests and argyle and knee socks, and although he would admit that he loved the skirts, he found that this Rachel was a lot less scary than the one he was used to.
    “Noah. Come in.” Rachel said moving out of the way to allow him to enter. He crossed the threshold when he noticed the feather duster in her hand and then he realized that Rachel had been cleaning.
    “I didn’t interrupt anything did I?”
    “No, I was in the middle of cleaning so you’ll have to forgive the mess.” Rachel said.
    As Puck looked around, he couldn’t imagine how this was considered a mess. He had never seen a house look cleaner in his life. He made a mental note to call her next time his mom asked him to clean the kitchen or something.  Rachel was happy that he was there; because maybe that meant that he was talking to her again.  But a silence fell over them as they are just standing in the foyer of her house and she really isn’t sure she knows what to say. Silence is not something Rachel has learned to handle very well. She talks most of the time just to avoid having moments like this when there is obviously something that needs to be said but neither party wants to start or the party (in this case Puck) that should be talking hasn’t exactly gained the courage to do so. They are seriously silent for a lot longer than Puck thinks that Rachel can be quiet for and that’s beginning to make him more uncomfortable than anything. But breaking the silence means talking and that means feelings and that really isn’t something that Puck handled well. But eventually he realizes that he’s being a pussy and he needs to man up and be the badass than he is.
    Rubbing his hand over his Mohawk, Puck looks at Rachel who is staring at him, like she’s waiting for him, “Look, “ he starts, “I know that you aren’t plotting against me with Finn. I guess that I’m just sick of feeling like I’m always going to be a second choice to Finn. He always gets the girls and solos and he’s the star and the hero while I am always in the background and the bad guy. I guess losing the solo kinda reminded me that it keeps happening.”
    “Noah you do realize that you were just talking about your feelings?” Rachel teased.
    “Yeah and if you tell anyone I’m going to hunt down your midget ass. Isn’t that what friends do? Not tell other people when they do such stupid things as expressing feelings?”
    Rachel laughed, “Your secrets safe with me. I promise I won’t tell anyone you’re not a badass.”
    Puck rolled his eyes, thinking that Rachel obviously didn’t know that what had just happened did not question his badassness. In fact, the fact that he had the courage to do that shit made him an even bigger badass.
    And why aren’t you pissed?”
    “I’m not angry Noah because I have already forgiven you.”
    Puck thought it was pretty cool that he didn’t to have to bed in order to get her to forgive him. “So we should probably finish up that project for English,” Puck said trying not to feel like a total asshole for abandoning her for the last couple of days.
    “It’s all done,” Rachel said simply.
    “What? We still had a lot to work on last time I went to class.”
    “I finished it last night. We currently have a very detailed presentation of the role of the daughter in Shakespeare’s plays.”
    “Well now I feel like a bigger ass than I did before. Rachel, I’m sorry that you had to finish it yourself.”
    “Noah, you weren’t really contributing all that much as it was. The last time we were working on it in class you were staring at Jennifer Tillman’s backside the entire time.”
    “You can say badass but you won’t say ass?”
    “I’m just quoting you Noah. I would never use such language.”
    “It’s the same thing.”
    “It is not.”
    “Is to. If I start saying fuck all the time does that mean I can get you to say it?”
    “Noah, stop being ridiculous.”
    Puck laughed as he was suddenly filled with a determination to get her to say every dirty word he could think of. But he also knew trying was going to result in a slap to the face, “I really am sorry that I didn’t get to help you finish the project for English. I’ll make it up to you some how,” Puck said.
 As Puck’s words escaped his lips, Rachel immediately thought of the time that Finn promised her that he’d make it up to her. The time when she did something she is still embarrassed about just to get into Finn’s good graces. She was still waiting for Finn to make it up to her. But she felt that maybe the difference between Finn and Puck was that Puck might actually be true to his word.
    After finally moving out from the foyer, Rachel went over what she did for their English project so that when the teacher asked Puck a question he would be able to answer it and no one would know that Rachel did a majority of the work. The two finally got back into that comfortable atmosphere that existed in their friendship and Rachel thought that as unexpected as this pairing is, they needed it; both of them did. Because some how Puck found himself on the outside. He had been shunned by Quinn and Finn, the two most important people in his life, and had no choice but to look in. And Rachel, well she’d always been on the outside, never really allowed in. But it was like now the outside had a population of two.
~~~~&~~~~    On Monday, Rachel and Puck seemed to be back to the same pattern they had before Thursdays sing off drama. In Glee, they sat next to each other before Mr. Shuester calls them to run through “Water and a Flame.” When the song is through Mr. Shuester asks them to stop and take their seats.
    “You guys were doing a good job with that song, but I realize that it isn’t the right song for regionals and I don’t want to spend anymore time on it than we already have. But instead, I have a new assignment for you. I want you all to come up with what you think will be the best number to do at regionals and present them next week. You can do it in duets or trios, even solos but remember this selection is to be for all of us to perform. And each one of you will have to perform at least once.”
    Puck felt Rachel nudge him and he turned to give her his attention.
    “Would you like to do a duet, Noah?” Rachel asked softly.
    Puck shrugged, “Sure.”
    The smile on Rachel’s face warned Puck that he was going to have to work with Rachel and all of her crazy and he was probably going to regret it at some point and she was going to drive him insane. But working with Rachel was much better than working on a solo since he was almost certain that at this point, no one else was going to want to work with him.  Mr. Shuester dismissed rehearsal Puck waited for Rachel to gather her stuff before they headed to the parking lot. Puck had convinced Rachel that part of him making up for the shitty way he had been treating her lately, was to drive her to school. Rachel was smiling when she walked out of the choir room and immediately began ranting about what duets she would find suitable for their voices and making sure that he understood that this was a big undertaking for him and all of this other stuff that Puck soon began to tune out. Friend or not, he wasn’t going to be able to comprehend or remember anything that she said anyway.
    “We need to talk,” Quinn said staring straight at Puck as she steps in front of the two right before they are about to leave the building. Her hands were on her hips and she tossed her hips to the side and it made her baby bump more apparent.
    “Sure,” Puck said reaching into his pocket and pulling out his car keys and throwing them to Rachel, “Don’t drive off. And if I’m not there in ten minutes send the search dogs.”
    Rachel caught the keys and headed towards the parking lot.
    “What Quinn?” Puck asked with a bit of bite in his voice once Rachel was out of sight.
    “What are you doing?”
    ‘I’m trying to go home. But you seem to have other plans.”
    “I mean with Rachel. Are you dating? Because I don‘t know why else you would want to hang around her.”
    “We’re friends. And I said this to you before and I said it to Hummel, Rachel and I are friends and if you don’t like it tough shit.”
    “But I thought you were over that. Everyone saw you walk away from her after the sing off and avoid her on Friday. And all of a sudden you’re best friends again.”
    “She’s forgiven me.”
    “You think she can just forgive people that fast. You’ve went from throwing slushies on her face, to dating her for like a second, to avoiding her, to being her BFF.”
    “Yeah I know it doesn’t make any sense, but she’s forgiven you hasn’t she?”
    “She’s been very supportive of my pregnancy, but I still don’t like her.”
    “I’m not asking you to. No one is asking you to. Now is there something I can do for our daughter while she’s still ours or are you just trying to aggravate me?”
    “She doesn’t like this either Puck.” Quinn said rubbing her hand over her belly.
    “That would be a no,” Puck said heading towards the door, “See ya tomorrow Quinn.”
    When Puck entered the car he was expecting an onslaught of song ideas or something equally Rachel like but he was surprised when she was quiet. He started up the car and began the trek to her house and she still hadn’t said a word.
    “Look, Noah I know it’s none of my business,” Rachel said bursting out of the silence that she couldn’t handle any longer,  “But you have told me yourself that Quinn wants nothing to do with you aside for your child together. But I am curious as to why she continues to demand your attention.”
    Puck stared at her confused. She had spoken so fast that he barely understood the Berry-talk. And Rachel caught on.
    “What did Quinn want?” Rachel rephrased.
    “Oh. Uh, she thinks we’re dating. I guess she’s worried that if I talk to another girl it will take away from being available at her beck and call anytime she has a craving.”
    “Yeah, she’s just being dramatic or whatever.”
    “Noah, have you ever had a girl that was just a friend?”
    Rachel smiled. She was happy that she was going to be his first girl friend that wasn’t his girlfriend.  She relished in the prestige she felt and then began rambling on again about ideas for their duet. Including costumes.
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