Hey! Stupid! Yeah you. (And by *you* I mean me)

Oct 20, 2005 15:39

DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EAT POPCORN, EVEN A "JUST A LITTLE BIT" WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE FLOSS AVAILABLE. If you do this, you will spend the rest of the day, just a little extra pissed off at the world, because you have a little piece of a kernel stuck in-between two of your teeth, and no amount of worrying at it with your tongue is going to make a lick of difference until you gain access to some floss. Also, in case you're feeling particularly moronic, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ATTEMPT TO USE LITTLE PIECES OF FOLDED UP PAPER IN LIEU OF FLOSS. This never works (that's actually not true, it does sometimes work, just never on popcorn) and often leads to paper cuts on your gums. You hate paper cuts on your gums. They hurt, lots, and then, every time you make another useless attempt at dislodging the kernel, you will end up pushing it into the paper cut gum, and it will hurt even more.
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