"Art is love, made public"

Jan 04, 2017 15:14

I was only half-watching the first episode of the second season of Sense8 while doing other things, and trying to decide if I cared enough to go back and watch the end of the last season to try to remember why I cared about these characters when my attention was piqued by the following lecture in a college art course, I assume:

“Art is material
It is wired intractably to the real word bound by matter, and matters
Art is political
Never more so than when insisting that it is not
Art is dialectic
It is enriched when shared, and impoverished by ownership and commodification”

This lovely lecture was interrupted by a wayward student and a most excellent learning opportunity that ended with one of those super quotable quotes that somebody should put on a T-shirt and then give one to me: “art is love, made public.”
I could go on about that last quote. It speaks to me in the way that things that are True-with-a-capital-T always do. But I’ll leave that for someone else. I want to go back to the bit about Art being dialectic. That’s the thing that led me down a rabbit hole of internet searches that eventually taught me how to turn on the closed captioning on my Netflix app.

I didn’t think he said dialectic. The character speaks with an accent and I thought he said sedialectic, or sadialectic or cedialectic (those are the things I Googled, anyhow) I was hoping that what we had here was another word describing the inherent value of sharing. I want more words for that.

I’m a bit of a word-nerd, you see. And at times in my life, I’ve even fancied myself a bit of a writer. I enjoy using words to describe the breadth and depth of the human experience. Sometimes I enjoy going into somewhat excruciating detail about how one experience can be compared and contrasted to another experience. Sometimes I even share these words with other people. I like to have common language with which to do this sharing, should I be called to, and I don’t like to have to make it up myself.

Compersion is a fantastic word, and when I learned of its existence it was a bit of a hallelujah moment for me. At last! I thought, there is a word for that! I thought perhaps that, in this Netflix original series playing in the background, I had accidentaly stumbled upon another word that described an experience that was familiar to me and surely part of the human experience.

“Enriched when shared, and impoverished by ownership and commodification”

That perfectly describes how I feel about my love and intimacy. It’s why I’m polyamorous, and why I personally view it as an identity rather than simply a function of my current relationship dynamic.
Today I have a house to clean, so I don’t have time to talk about love made public, and my feelings about not being 100% out about my poly-ness to everyone I know, or the traditional ownership model of relationships.  Maybe tomorrow…

P.S. Hello Livejournal! I haven't seen you in awhile! I'm guessing that nobody who follows me on here is going to be super shocked by this, though you may well be shocked to see me posting it here.

love, polyamory

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