Books of the Month: August part 2

Aug 31, 2004 15:53

With all of the activities, and movie watching I've been doing, I only managed to read 2 books in the second half of the month, still this is more than some people read in a year, so I'm not gonna beat myself up over it too much.

Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson
This was a cute little murder-mystery set in a ski resort, starring a middle aged caterer/personal chef who's married to a policeman, as the star investigator. Apparently there are a number of these books out there, but until now I had been fortunate enough not to have read them. It's not that it was a bad book, exactly, it's just that it followed the murder mystery formula to a "T" you know, the spooky guy who probably did it, the asshole who probably did it, the nice guy who probably did it, and the person you'd least expect, who in fact they hardly mention in the first 300 pages of the book, who actually did it. The good news is this one has recipes in it as well as cooking tips, to break the monotony. The writing itself isn't bad, and she does justice to the skiing, but you never really get a feel for who the characters really are, what drives them, and all that jazz.
That said, apparently her books (I could be wrong, but I believe all of them star this same "P.I") sell like proverbial hot cakes.

Cancer Schmancer by Fran Drescher
You mean "The Nanny" wrote a book? Actually, she wrote two books. Who'd have thunk it? This was a heartwarming, touching and very funny autobiographical tale of her struggle with uterine cancer. I liked it despite the fact that I normally shy away from books that are more than loosely based in reality. She has that "whatever life throws at me, I'm gonna deal with, and become a better person for it" attitude that I aspire to. I don't really have anything nasty to say about it, no matter how hard I try, how boring is that?
In case ya'll were wondering, it actually turns out that there's more to Ms. Drescher than meets the eye. Not only was she the star of the "The Nanny" she was also a co-creator, executive producer, writer, and director. Oh, and that voice. It's for real.


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