
Aug 26, 2004 15:09

I'm a girl, and there are certain things that just go along with that. I like romantic comedies, Buffy, sunsets, and holding hands. I go into those little shops in the mall with all of the knicknacks, and I think, gosh I really do need a refrigerator magnet that says "cleanliness is next to godliness, tidiness is next to impossible" in my kitchen. And I love all things baby. Even baby carrots, it's a sickness.

Now I don't know why I like babies, I mean, they're all funny looking, needy little things with red blotchy faces, that cry all the time, why is this appealing? Because I'm a girl, that's the only concievable reason, logic just won't work on this one folks. My mom does daycare for a living, so I've had more than my fair share of baby experience, including diaper changing (eww) by now you'd think the allure would have worn off, but still, walking down the street, I see a mother pushing a stroller with a cute little pink ball of snot in it, and I think to myself "I want one"

Wait, no, I DON'T think that! Absolutely not! I don't want one of those things, what am I mad or something? (don't answer that) I can't even take care of my dog. What the heck would I DO with a baby? Nevermind that making babies takes a little bit of help in a department I'm not getting any help in right now, I'm not really the maternal type; I don't really cook, I barely clean, I smoke, I drink, and I stay out too late. Just imagine me at a PTA meeting for a second....scary huh?

Of course it's a purely biological thing, I know it has nothing to do with little pink and blue blankets, or little booties (eek! little booties make me giggle) it's all about perpetuation of the speicies, if girls didn't get giddy at the though of pastel duckies and bunnies, we wouldn't ever have children, cause really they're all work, and it's a gamble whether or not the work is gonna pay off. There's always the chance that you could put your heart and soul into your kids, give them everything you never had, love and cherish them, teach them everything you know, and they could still grow up with no respect for you, visiting only on christmas and your birthday.

But, as depressing as that thought is, I still think babies are cute.

funny, children

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