Garage sale madness

Jul 19, 2004 23:22

Got up early on Sunday to go to Springfield's newest star attraction, an event that made the front page of our Pulitzer prize winning newspaper, yes folks I'm speaking of none other than a swap meet. Turns out it was just a parking lot with 3, count them, 3 booths, not nearly as exciting as I had hoped, but it all worked out in the end, cause we (Aaron, Russell, and I) went garage saling.
I've always been a fan of thrift stores, and I've always wanted to check out the garage sale scene, but other than checking out sales I happened to be walking by (back in the pre-car days, when I actually used my legs as a form of transportation) I'd never before had any real garage sale experience. I'd been missing out.
Now, it's not as though I actually came out with anything particularly necessary, basically I got a bunch of stuff I can (and had been, quite successfully I might add) live with out, but I got it all cheap!! Free is my favorite price, but cheap comes a real close second.
I'm a bargain hunter by nature, thrift and outlet stores gently call my name, sweetly inviting me to come in and spend money I don't have on things I don't need. Normally I'm a rather frugal person, content to live within my means, not particularly inclined to follow the American tradition of buy, buy, buy, but show me a good deal, (especially a one time only, not gonna be here tomorrow, if you don't buy it now you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life, forever remembering this moment when you had the chance, but were too darned cheap to spend 25 frickin' cents on this amazing item, deal) and all bets are off. And now a whole new realm of untapped bargains has opened up before me, frankly, I'm terrified.
This is scary stuff, I already have a hard enough time supporting my Goodwill habit, (and in the spirit of honesty, there's the Grocery outlet, and Factory 2 U habits to account for as well..."But it's such a good deal! Really, when you think about it, I'm SAVING money in the long run") I may have to get a second job to facilitate a garage sale budget.
For the record, my purchases included, 5 books (two were compilations of children’s literature, too bad I don't have any kids [but when I do have kids, that'll be one less thing to buy! {See, this is how my addled little brain works, this is a prime example of why I shouldn't be allowed with 100 yards of a good deal, cause SOMEDAY I'm gonna need EVERYTHING, might as well save myself time and money, by just picking it all up now while it's on sale}]) For a total of $1.25, a snakeskin print shirt that I'll prolly never wear, for $2, a badminton set (I don't even play badminton, but now I'll have to learn, and it'll be good for me, I'll get some exercise, yeah right) for $2.50, 2 adorable little black purses (in my defense, I've actually been looking for a new little black purse, I only had one, and it was hard to get into, and not quite big enough for all the crap I feel it's imperative that I carry with me at all times [of course I bought 2, cause, well, you know, they were a good deal]) for $1.50 each, a set of 2 angel bells (one of which I wore around my neck last night on a dare, thereby earning back the purchase price of both) for free, (after rebate) a corkscrew for .50, a doily for .25, (it's really pretty, and lets face it, a girl can never have too many doilies) a couple of board games, the prices already forgotten, and a set of 5 little tiny glasses, (made for brandy or sherry I imagine, one of those after dinner drinks that I don't drink, but they look just like little wine glasses, and they're about shot sized, and well, I just couldn't live without them) for $1.

shopping, bargain hunting, garage sales

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