Jun 11, 2004 21:44
So I'm actually kinda new at all this computer stuff, until lately I'd pretty much relied on other people to figure out all the details for me. I have some sort of strange magnetic field around me that causes most electronic devices to run away screaming at the very sight of me. (this is quite a sight, especially at computer labs and cyber cafes) OK maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but I can't keep a watch working for more than 3 months, my alarm clock will fail to go off when it is set, and sometimes goes off when it isn't, and computers hate me with a red and fiery passion.
Now the funny thing about this (or rather the thing I find funny, mean people who take joy in the misery of others find my predicament highly amusing) is I work with computers now, in fact, I'm at work right now (I work really really hard) last week I was having this problem with one of the programs at work, every morning as I tried to open it would do stuff (technical term)it wasn't supposed to, and every morning I would call my supervisor over (he must really hate me) and he would fix it. Now can someone explain to me why when I rebooted it didn't help, but when he rebooted it fixed everything? How does the computer know when it's me? They got the computer guy over and now it works again, no supervisor approval needed, but I'm sure it'll find something new and obnoxious to do next week.
This week I've been trying to get this blog started, mind you I'm doing this all by myself, without any help from my computer savvy friends, so it's a long process, with much hair pulling, and a few bargains being struck with the universe. The good news is the universe is responding, the bad news is it seems to have a 12-16 hour delay this week. I spent all day Wednesday (at work mind you, and I do actually have to work sometimes, it's not like I actually spent the entire 8 hours on it) getting this thing set up, only to get an error message at the end of the night as I was trying to post, naturally I assumed that meant it hadn't worked, (not a big shock to me, considering my track record) but to my utter astonishment, when I logged on yesterday it had worked. This made me jump up and down with glee (earning me perplexed looks from my co-workers, as well as a resigned sigh, and a shake of his head from my supervisor [he must really, really hate me]) it also gave me an overinflated sense of my computer skills, and inspired me to further frustrate myself.
I decided what I really needed was a site counter, so I'd know if anyone is actually reading all this blather. I set out on this endeavor totally ignorant of what it would entail, HTML and java script were mere theoretical concepts to me, things I had heard people speak of without ever even beginning to think they might effect my life in any way. As it turns out, this actually could have taken place without me having to bother my pretty little head about such details, if only I'd bothered to pay attention to some other details.
********note to self: scroll down the page before assuming all available options are listed within plain sight********
I managed to find a web site offering free site counters with no trouble at all, and proceeded to follow their directions to get set up, so far so good. At this point I'm practically patting myself on the back, sure that all of my computer problems are behind me. Then I get the part with the HTML and java script options, at first I'm stymied, but I don't let my ignorance slow me down for long, I plod along until I finally find a page with all sorts of stuff I don't understand on it "Ah-ha, this must be it" I cut and paste the more complicated one first, undaunted by the warnings that it might not work, I hit preview, and almost start jumping up and down with glee again (I restrained myself however, I do want to keep my job) there at the bottom of the screen was a lovely little site counter. So I hit submit and republish, and all that jazz, then I look and it's not there, "what the ....." So I do it again, with the same results. At this point I'm still figuring it's just one of those things, and if I could just get someone else to hit the submit button for me it would work perfectly. I go back and find the simpler option, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat. Learning from my mistakes isn't one of my stronger points but eventually even I had to figure I must've done something wrong somewhere along the way. I start over, and right off I figure it out (someone give the girl a prize) I picked the wrong section, there's a special blog area cleverly hidden out of sight on one of the first pages (see note to self) By now I'm feeling a little less impressed with my computer abilities, but at least I figured it out. After filling it out I get a happy little message saying it was completed successfully, but then it wouldn't let me use a code, 'cause I'd already used it with the first one, and by then it was time to go home, and I could have jumped up and down with glee cause there wasn't anyone else around, but there was nothing to be gleeful about.
But wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, I log on this morning and there it is, and it's working, so naturally I have to change the way it looks, and carefully examine all possible options, messing with as many of them as possible. It's probably broken again, but I haven't had the heart to look.
technical difficulties