Ain't nobody got time fo that!

Jun 12, 2013 19:37

I think my Live Journal misses me every so often because, maybe, twice a month it will send me random emails telling me to "check" my account and to keep is safe, etc. Ever since I started to write again in it, it won't leave me alone.

You know, Live Journal, if you miss me you can always just say it. No need to play these mind games. Just saying.

Writing every day in Live Journal? Ain't nobody got time fo that! (Not to mention ain't nobody got that many problems for that! (well maybe if you're JayZ).

Anyway... In other news I have been very busy with stress. Lets just say I am having medical problems going on lately. Yesterday I finally made it to my appointment with the ob/gyn for a cervical colposcopy. In other words - They had me lie on a bed, place my legs in stirrups, and put acetic acid (vinegar) on my cervix while viewing it with a scope. Let and tell you, even though vinegar is a safe house-hold cleaner, and tastes good on a salad, that stuff burns like a mofo. Then they took a metal gun looking device and cut out an inch long specimen of my cervix. OH LAWD. Yeah, not the most comfortable. Oh well. It is checking for cervical cancer due to abnormal/precancerous cell on my cervix. It's for my health though, right? Nerve racking :( I swear my hair is falling out due to everything going on. So that has been the main thing going on in my life right now. Thank goodness I have a good boyfriend who supports me and is constantly reassuring me that everything will be okay no matter what happens. Sweet huh? I am pessimistic though. Okay I am done with the mopey stuff.
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