May 21, 2005 20:27
CSD 306K Intro to Comm Disorders A
CSD 311K Phonetic Description of Speech B
HEB 507 First Year Hebrew II B
CMS 315M Interpersonal Communication Theory A
Phonetics was a really hard class; it's all about the phonetic symbols of the English language, how we produce the sounds of the English language, how close to the target the articulators are in the production of certain sounds, etc. It was SO hard, and I knew I wouldn't get an A, but I'm still disappointed that I didn't do better. BUT considering the difficulty of this class, I'm proud I got a B!!
Hebrew was so so hard! All of my test grades were C's, all of my homework grades were A's (and a few B's), and my midterm grade was a I'm betting my final grade was an A! I busted my ASS for that final, and considering it was the last test I took in the sequence of 4 finals last week, I know I did better than I thought I would. I guess taking the entire THREE HOURS to take that final exam paid off!! Thank god I got a B, because a 5-hour C would have KILLED my gpa!!
Interpersonal Communication Theory is one of the toughest classes at UT, yet it is one of the most popular classes to take at UT. The instructor, John Daly is absolutely amazing! He is so charming, witty, sincere, and always makes his classroom of 500+ laugh. On Pick-A-Prof, it shows that his 315M class, out of 4085 students in 13 classes, ONLY 20% have A's, 43% have B's, and 27% have C's. Most people take his class pass/fail because they aren't in the College of Communications, but I am trying to transfer into there, and I busted my ass in this class, and I'm SO excited I pulled off an A!!!! Yayyy!
i am so so so bored. lila left today for a MONTH. liz doesn't come back until NEXT sunday. is it bad that i've been laying in bed all day, napping and snacking, and i'm addicted to CNN, FOXnews channel, CNN headline news channel, and MSNBC? i'm ADDICTED to the news!!!!!!