the last one is the BEST!!!!!!!

Mar 01, 2005 22:24

achaps11: hey
sosgame196: hey
sosgame196: what are u up to
achaps11: eh studyin
achaps11: same ol shit
sosgame196: yea i just got back from the library
achaps11: damn
sosgame196: im so tired
achaps11: you are all over that library
achaps11: me too
sosgame196: i know, i have one spot that i go to evertime, if someones in it, ill go sit right in front of them until they leave
achaps11: hahaha
sosgame196: kind of like if someone is peeing in your favorite urinal, you go stand pee right next to them until they get uncomfortable and leave
sosgame196: did you have a test today
achaps11: hahahaha
achaps11: yes i did
sosgame196: how did it og
achaps11: pretty well
achaps11: but i ran outta time!
sosgame196: what the cra
sosgame196: p
achaps11: i know
sosgame196: that sux
achaps11: bullshit i tell ya
achaps11: and hour and 15 min is NOT long enough for this woman's test
achaps11: and your test is tomorrow?
sosgame196: i always take the full time but its b\c i go over it at least twice
achaps11: me too
sosgame196: no one thurs and one fri
achaps11: but this shit was so long
achaps11: i didnt even have time to go over it once!
sosgame196: damn, i havent had one where i ran out of time
achaps11: it was nuts
sosgame196: it took me almost an hour to write a page and a half essay but that was b\c of my shoulder and the teacher gave me extra time
achaps11: i must have been INTO that damn test
achaps11: awww
sosgame196: sorry man
achaps11: its ok
achaps11: i can argue with her and maybe get an extension next time
sosgame196: i bet you still did good though
sosgame196: maybe
achaps11: tell her i have dyslexia or something
achaps11: i hope!
sosgame196: haha, tell her youre half retarded
achaps11: hahaha
sosgame196: you took special classes in high school
achaps11: hahaha
sosgame196: ahhahaahhaa holy shit i gotta tell you this
achaps11: what is it
sosgame196: hahahaahhahahhaha
sosgame196: it was the greatest
achaps11: tell!
sosgame196: i come stumbling into the sig ep house here last friday double fisting beer, and guess who is sitting there with everyone
achaps11: niq hunter
achaps11: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
sosgame196: i think niq is the one who invites him out there
sosgame196: it was awesome
sosgame196: i couldnt believeit
achaps11: hahaha did you drink one with him?
achaps11: he has NO social skills
sosgame196: haha i dont htink he was drinking
achaps11: poor thing
sosgame196: yea i htink he was sitting there
achaps11: how did he get there!
sosgame196: o you know it was awesome
sosgame196: no idea
sosgame196: i just remembered that happened
sosgame196: and had to tell youi
achaps11: haha
sosgame196: b\c i mentioned the half retarded thing
achaps11: because we were speaking of half retarded?
sosgame196: hah ayea
achaps11: that is so bad!!!!
sosgame196: i know
achaps11: hahaha
sosgame196: i didnt mean it mean though
achaps11: i know i know

achaps11: you BETTER not have sex and infect someone of your disease!!!!!!
pepperoni: hahahah
pepperoni: i want good sex this weekend
pepperoni: yes BYE
pepperoni is away at 10:11:34 PM.
achaps11: get on medicine
Auto response from pepperoni: it is definite, i dont have mono -- i think i will reward myself by having sex this weekend
achaps11: for the good of mankind!!!!!!!!!
achaps11: at least in tucson

echapman1: good luck on your hebrew test
achaps11: todah
echapman1: ha mivchan shela
echapman1: shelo?
achaps11: eh
achaps11: lo
achaps11: quiz
echapman1: ha mivchan shelo
echapman1: ok
achaps11: shelah
achaps11: haha
echapman1: shit
achaps11: to you
achaps11: shelach
echapman1: right
achaps11: shelah = to her
echapman1: ha mivchan shelach
achaps11: ken
echapman1: what is shelo?
achaps11: to him
echapman1: OOPS
echapman1: sheli is me
achaps11: its ok
echapman1: got that
achaps11: nachon
echapman1: i'm rusty
echapman1: aww nachon

achaps11: goin to study
achaps11: ani lomedet acshav
achaps11: lehit!
echapman1: wait
echapman1: i wanna say good idea
echapman1: ra'ayon tov?
achaps11: i have NO idea
achaps11: haha wait
echapman1: shit
achaps11: that is a vocab word on my quiz tomorrow!!!
achaps11: SHIT
echapman1: oooohhhhhh
achaps11: yeah
achaps11: you got it right
achaps11: SLAP IN THE FACE
achaps11: bye
echapman1: wow
echapman1: i'm a master
achaps11: BYE
echapman1: but i can't get SHELACH
echapman1: but i get shit from 2nd semester hebrew
echapman1: goodnight and good luck
achaps11: au revoir
achaps11: mix a little francais in thurr
echapman1: hhaaha
echapman1: l'hit
echapman1: bonne chance
echapman1: ENUFF i'm going to sleep
achaps11: CHALLAH
echapman1: challaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bye
echapman1: check the away msg
echapman1 is away at 10:26:17 PM.
achaps11: BYE

Auto response from echapman1: i'm going to bed. ra'ayon tov sheli!!

achaps11: huh??
achaps11: yesh li ra'ayon tov
achaps11: i have a good idea
echapman1: oh SHIT.
echapman1 returned at 10:26:51 PM.
echapman1: oh well.
achaps11: or that's a good idea is:
echapman1: i tried.
achaps11: zeh ra'ayon tov
achaps11: CHALLAH in you FACE
echapman1: yesh li ra'ayon tov. ani sleeping.
echapman1: ?@ WTF bye!
achaps11: wait
echapman1: i give up
achaps11: wait
echapman1: ok ok
achaps11: i'm sleeping is: yoshana
achaps11: ani yoshana
echapman1: okay
achaps11: and that is probably wrong
echapman1: nah
achaps11: but better than what you had!
echapman1: right!
echapman1: haha
echapman1: ok thanks for the tutoring lesson
achaps11: b'vakasha
echapman1: b'chatzlacha
achaps11: WHAT
echapman1: good luck
echapman1: b'chatzlacha
achaps11: todah rabah!
achaps11: bon soir!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echapman1: bon soir! laila tov!
echapman1: ani ohevet ivrit
achaps11: MASPIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
achaps11: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
echapman1: HA!!
echapman1: i love maspik
achaps11: get outta here
echapman1: bye
echapman1: BYE
achaps11: acshav!
echapman1: ani lo po
echapman1: bye
achaps11: hahahaha
achaps11: bye
echapman1: haha bye
echapman1 is away at 10:37:49 PM.
achaps11: yesssss

Auto response from echapman1: MASPIK! going to bed!

echapman1: check the LJ.
echapman1 returned at 10:38:05 PM.
echapman1: night
achaps11: haha
achaps11: i am putting it on mine too
echapman1: ahh
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