Mar 07, 2005 21:05
So...drum roll please...i got into SAM HOUSTON VILLAGE! I'm so excited..yea! I don't know roomate business or anything yet and won't know anything FOR CERTAIN until august..but from what I understand I will get a few people that might be my roomate..but its not set in stone or something?? I'm not too was kinda confusing! But I do know I'm excited because now i get my OWN bedroom and I get to take my bed with me...YEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I move on August 20, 2005! Mark it down..your little girl is growing UP!
On another note I'm soo and bad!
a few things I'm going to miss:
*MY TWO BEST FRIENDS--not saying i won't have you..I just won't see you guys all the time
*random, middle of the week trips to the mall
*someone telling me to stop at EVERY stoplight of go at EVERY green light
*hanging out at sonic..yes even a little (although we do have ALL summer for that!)
*being cheered up at 7 in the morning when I'm never in a good mood (what normal person would be..its 7 in the morning!)
*leaving my house when i'm sick of being around my parents and having somewhere to leave and go to
*spending hours watching reality tv with my mom and dad
*being around my sister
*random comments about katies dog being named penny
I just thought of this..?what if theres not sweet tea in huntsville?..i'll just die..but knowing that theres none in temple kinda makes me smile..(sorry halley!)
These are a few of the randoms..but i guess what I'm going to miss most if not having new memories made every day with my best friends. Its so hard to deal with change and I guess I just wish you two were right by my side helping me to transition...I love ya'll