Jun 12, 2007 18:45
i got kitties!!!!
despite my boyfriend telling me i couldn't because he doesn't like them. oh yeah. well we have a dog, and i HATE dogs. see that.. hate. so. i don't know what to name my kitties, i think i want to name the orange one shoes, cause he has white shoes on.. but i don't know what to name the calico one. any suggestions?
i forgot to mention this a while back, so i'll mention it now, remember my b-day was not that long ago, well i wanted choc cake, choc icing, and marsh (the supermarket) called and said they were out of choc icing. now.. please explain to me how marsh, the supermarket, can be out of choc icing? can't they just go out to the aisle and get some? discuss.
*go to myspace to see pictures of my kitties and tell me what to name them*