Heartache is still heartache... even in Paris, France

Jan 22, 2004 17:28

Haven't posted in a while--all apologies.  I had a good week last week, the highlight being, spending time in Angers (pronounced "ahn zjay") with the Mumford family.  Brief overview:

Wed.  1/14

Napped all day, took métro to Gare Montparnasse, then train to Angers;  Mrs. Mumford (Cyndie) looks like Claire Danes, but even prettier.  Meeting the littlest one, Marielle.  Discussion about French politics with Cyndie and Dave in the kitchen.  Snooped thru old pics of Cyndie and Dave--scary 80's fashion...

Thurs. 1/15

Ran errands with Cyndie; met the other girls (Marissa, 10 and Morghan, 8) when they came home for lunch (btw, kids get two hours for lunch in France); played Barbies with Marielle, who insisted that before our Barbies took the train to Paris to shop and see Le Monde du Némo, they must first go to church.  Okay.  The girls and I (and the Barbies) watched the first part of Finding Nemo.  Construction of the cardboard Barbie house begins.

Fri.  1/16

Shopping in Tours with Dave, Cyndie, Dave's sister (Martine) and mom, and little Marielle.  Spent time with the girls, chatted quite a bit with Marissa.  Grocery shopping at Géant.

Sat. 1/17

Slept in, played with girls, toured the old city of Angers (château, cathédral, old houses--still occupied--from the Middle Ages)--it was great!  Couldn't take pics though because it was pouring down rain...  Tidy up the building for church the next morning; Pizza Hut pizza with Martine; Phase 10 w/ Cyndie, Marissa, and Martine; much chocolate (yum!).  Nice long bath before nite nite time.

Sun. 1/18

Church--it was great, and I understood most everything!  Met lots of great people.  Definitely heard from the Lord...  Raclette, kinda' like fondue; finished our game of Phase 10--I won!!  Finished construction of the cardboard Barbie house (it ended up having four rooms, two floors, several windows and doors, and a balcony/patio area--all reinforced with packing tape to guard against the destruction of Marielle...).  Spent quality time with Marissa and packed up.  Train to Paris, Métro to Elisabeth's...  I about died carrying everything!!

It was just really nice spending time with the Mumfords.  It was encouraging to be with Christians, and I actually had people to talk to!  The girls were so sweet.  Little three-year old Marielle kept asking me as I was leaving, "Why do you have to go to Paris tonite?  You can go last nite (she gets that all mixed up)."  "Are you coming back?"  She was very sad.  I was very sad to leave them.  Cyndie said Marissa could maybe visit me this summer in Chicago, and I am welcome back any time.  I would love to do two of the one-month language programs that the Catholic University in Angers offers to étrangers in the summer--maybe next year I can afford to do that...

Mon. 1/19

Slept in, went to the pharmacy, spent a few hours in a café in the quartier--had my first "croque-monsieur" (toasted ham sandwich with cheese on top).  Watched ppl walking by, planned out some stuff for the week.

Tues. 1/20

Went to Montmatre; searched for the Café Deux-Moulins, but to no avail; shopped, spent some time with Jesus at the Sacré-Coeur...

Wed. 1/21

Plans to go the Louvre foiled once again!  Hit on (very much) by a french waiter, got my coffee and profiteroles free... Met some nice Morman Americans.  Shopping and walking around in the rain; saw the Comédie Française and the Opéra...

Rushed home on the métro, ate quickly with Elisabeth and Houari, then headed off to visit their friends Latéfah and Muhad and their family.  We were out past 1 am talking about French politics and cultural things; we had the most wonderful thé du menthe and little cakes, made by Latéfah.  I learned more about Islam, and got many bisoux...


I'm a lazy slug.  The joys of Paris seem so empty with no one to share it with.  The rain and the gray is killing me... and the silence. Sourire de Mona Lisa came out here yesterday--maybe I'll go see it. I asked Elisabeth if she wanted to see it with me. She said it doesn't interest her. I guess I can go see it by myself... Too bad cats aren't allowed in movie theatres--Chipie is quickly becoming my best friend...
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