Creation fest 2004

Jun 26, 2004 15:26

where to start....

people that i hung out with more than usual/met/got to know better

j-lo (jimmy)-i was walking up the hill the first day i was there and he runs over and it was great. we spent at least a portion of each day chilling. friday night we talked for about 3 hours on the hill top. it was awesome. i'm glad i got to know him better. and he says i can visit him at college if i just take the train down. yay
april- i kept trying to figure out where i knew her from, then i looked down at her little hands and remembered them from when she did my hair for the formal last year... crazy how you randomly meet up with people like that
leah, leeya, leaya, leeA(how do you spell her name?)- karen's best-friend exgirlfriend's best friend. haha she is pretty funny. i knew her from the winter ball and concert choir.
sipos-he was actually (out of like a thousand million sites of people) just two sites down from me. we were in C11c and he was in C11e. crazy
judy- (from wissahickon) i see her EVERYWHERE and it was cool to get to know her. apparently we are gonna chill at her college too. oh snap, that means i randomly get to play practical jokes on people who just got their hair choppped off. (ahem)
alli and jess carter- i never got to talk to them all that much and i'm really glad that i got a chance to get to know them better
carmellyne (i think that's how you spell that)- she was totally awesome, she always hung out with allison before but allison wasn't there so i got to know her better, fun
matt- great pillow scott-great footrest
corey- (sound guy from praise band) we talked for HOURS on the way up and back. good times, great discussions, helpful advise, all marked down to the lowest price (sounds like a lowes commercial)
emily stiles-i don't get to talk to her that often so it was awesome getting to see her again
i also met moxy and her friend leah (once agani i can't spell for my life). i only met them, we didn't really chill with them.
i saw ryan ghalleger and his girlfriend.

i think that's about it.

new merch: ring for my left ring finger that would typically wear the wedding band. it says "Jesus", representing my choice of abstinence til marriage. new P86 cd. abortion is homocide shirt. necklace made out of a guitar string. two tapes of the speakers. hmm i think that's it


i learned so much, and for once (out of the last 15 years of my life) i was finally comfortable with who i was. i feel like i'm actually doing the right things, encouraging people to do what God wants them to, and just feel very comfortable with where i am on my Christian walk. i walked away from this week very humble and ready to go out and talk to EVERYSINGLE PERSON EVER(!) about Jesus and all that WONDERFUL stuff. i was kinda emo about going this year cause i thought that i would be bored the whole week and blah blah blah but God once again worked backwards from what our human nature tells us and He surprised me with a wonderful time. i got some hardcore praying time, and got some awesome hugs from when i couldn't hold my "tough guy" face anymore.

special dedications to people from this week:
KATY JOY FALLOWS. i love you more than life my dear... everytime i think about five years ago... i cry. heck, i'm tearing up thinking about it now. i love you soooooooo much!!!!!
ANDREW (MADE UP MIDDLE NAME) FALLOWS. i love you bro, sorry i've been off-ish lately. thank you so much for that hug. good luck with carmy ;) thanks for making me laugh and respecting my silence.
JOHN PLAV (absolutely no idea how to spell his last name... that's sad) thanks for all the encouragement and the necklace and for playing guitar with me and teaching me all this new stuff
MR SULLY, BOB SMITH, JOHN GOWER, ADAM DICKEY, AND COREY- y'all have really taught me right and encouraged me so much and corrected me when i was acting stupid. i love you all!!!

i am really happy cause i got to play my guitar/sing for about 3 hours for the last four days! w00t. i wrote the guitar parts for this song, but i don't have lyrics yet. oh well. learned a lot of new technique too, john plav rocks.

hahah and apparently (according to bob smith) if you walk around Creation at night alone, you are going to trip and fall in the mud, then lightening will hit the nearest port a potty and fling crap all over you. then no one would come out and help you cause you smelled. then magically you will arise and continue walking. get kidnapped by aliens. put in front of a car and run over twice, then get your already dead eyes poked out by this womans pink umbrella. yeah... he made all this up just cause i wanted to go to j-lo's site and he had to walk with me and was like "look julie, just open your eyes! all this woulda happened to you if i weren't here" haha good times.

there were so many cicadas at j-lo's site. they (people at his site) named them all. apparently they come out really badly every 17 years, and this was that year. i picked up one and went all girly when in flew when i thought it was dead. i even screamed. lame.

i suppose i could say a ton more but alas, my second trip of the summer is approaching and i have laundry to do, presents to make and repacking to do. i'm gonna be in Minnesota this week for a family reunion. fiftith wedding anniversary of my grandparents. funny to think that they could go fifty years, and marriages today go for about 5. sad.

i'm just gonna LOVE this summer!!!

mock. yeah. ing. yeah. bird. yeah. yeah. yeah.

sorry that that was long...
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