Jun 14, 2004 15:54
katy's graduation party was last night. it was probably one of the best party's that i have been to in a long time! i'll totally have to show the videos!! karen and i wrestled and katy got it on tape. neither of us were really trying and we were just having some fun but it LOOKS violent. then my youth director who is relitively big (ahem) and i were joking around. he pretended to knock me over, then i was like "oh bob. help me help me." so he came over and got a good grip, picked me up and threw me like 15 ft at least and i did this awesome flying matrix move sorta thing. yeah i'll definately see about getting those videos. i met some pretty awesome people and just over all had a lot of fun. dave flipped me over his head like 5 times while we were trying to get this picture of me in the air. we did it five times cause his face wasn't in it and he just had to have it show who was throwing me. hahaha. sooooooooo much fun. mr sully and i had a great talk too, and andrew and i were saying sooooo many jokes that hardly anyone understood... we are such silly billys.
today was the last day of school!! W^. (haha andrew) and it was just about the stupidest day ever. i relised just how little friends i have from school. like true friend, i have like 6 at PF. everyone in my grade/school is so immature and just plain old annoying. arg.
katy fallows!!! i luffle you, and you better call me at least once a week at college or i'll ummm do something horrible (?).
HAPPY ONE DAY LATE BIRTHDAY BRITT!! i swear i didn't forget, i just didn't see you online yesterday. dork. i love ya