yay i'm gonna do that thing now

Apr 08, 2004 23:38

Some heighlights of my week
  1. i was in science class with tommy and teejah and i had to read something in front of the whole class. my teacher started saying that i had to do it all weird by doing this dance. it started out being like a russian dance, then river dancing then tom was like "do the mexican (as in the style that mexico does it in the pits)" hahah i woulda done it too! only there wasn't enough room.... hardcore dancing in science...woulda been the shiz.oh well
  2. i went to my dad's on sunday and listened to Traveling Prayer by billy joel and somehow remembered most of the words even though it has been YEARS since i have listened to that song.
  3. during rugby this week we had to do these rucking drills. you are supposed to run into these bags that the coaches are holding up and are supposed to move the coaches out of the way so your team gets the ball and my older sister karen (being the beast she is) goes into the ruck before her partner and puts her agressions into it. she pop's the freaking bag! that was sooooooo funnah! those bags don't exactly pop very easily. karen's my hero
  4. i counted 24 new bruises this week...
  5. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone
  6. i remember one more now (wee i'm updating this a day later)tom was sitting in english with our new student teacher miss rosenbloom. for her to get to know us she passed around a bag of recee peices (sp?) and said that for every peice you take you have to give a peice of information. so tom (being all crazy) took two peices. he said "mu name is tom, and i have been struggling with an alcohol addiction for 4 years now" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!!! THAT IS SO GREAT!! he said it cause it felt like you were in an AA meeting. hahaha. oh man that is good
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