Apr 18, 2008 00:01

First of all, I'm in a good mood today.  Don't know why, but I'll take it.  I think it has a lot to do with the weather.

Secondly, I've been doing a lot of things for myself today.  This may sound lame, but i feel like I don't really have a lot of friends.  The friends I do have are co-habitating or live in the burbs and it's just not the same.  We aren't close anymore.  It's hard for me to hang out with them bc I have nothing in common with them.  Mel talks a lot about marrying George and money.  I am not getting married and I don't have money.  I could have had some money but I chose to do something I liked instead of being a corporate slave.  So, I'm trying to keep that in mind.  That I am pursuing something that I like.  And Mel is getting a mini cooper.  I'm PISSED.  And crazy jealous.  I called her after class tonight because i was bored and lonely.  And I felt like I need to be around friends a lot more.  So we talked.  And I tried to channel that jealous energy into being happy and excited for her.  I'm really not that good at that.  I tend to get really jealous and angry and all sulky.  I know I have to work on that.

This is going to sound silly, but I also joined an online club.  Basically it's kinda like a social group - they plan meetings once a month at a new place or restaurant - and it's girls only.  So, that could be fun.  Maybe I could meet some new friends.  I also joined a traveling group.  Where they talk about travel deals and tips and you can meet up with fellow travelers.  I'm not planning any big trips anytime soon, but I'm glad that I'm focusing on myself and pursuing things that make me happy.

That is all.
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