The chat is so successful that it is temporarily
reserved to V.I.P. Priority Access members.
Come on, Brah. Seriously? Up until a couple weeks ago I may have gotten this message 2 times in the 7 years I have been on the site, and now all of the sudden, there is such a rush that people are being limited to the site at what may be considered as not "primetime"? Did thousands of guys all of the sudden decide "oh fuck! I'm gay" and joined the service en masse therefore rendering the site overly popular? Or could it be dude's method of trying to drum up business by being deceitful?
If it's the latter, I am hesitant to actually buy a subscription out of principle... that principle being Victoria.
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• Allow me to also add something I have been quiet about because I have not felt like joining B411 bitching sessions (afterall it is a free service when it isn't so popular that I can use it) but the main detraction for me about the site is how Dr. Klan's Army of Extraordinary Magnitude it is. Let's all give Dr. Klan a hand!