May 18, 2007 16:50
Sometimes when the discussion turns to those things "bear" related with those not in the know, sometimes it is a good idea to give a general broad definition of what a "bear" is to me. Normally, what I tell folks is that a "Bear" is a member of a gay subculture (Bear Community) that tends to have the physical characteristics of a masculine overweight gay man with body hair. I will then explain the concept that there is a "Cub" that tends to denote a younger type person that will achieve "bear" qualities, and that there is also the concept of an "otter" that is the same as a bear, only not overweight. I tend to normally explain that it means a lot of different things to many different people, and these are purely loose guidelines based on appearance and not the nature of the person.
I was speaking to someone recently that suggested that through media, advertising, et al that a bear is not what I consider what constitutes as a bear; that a bear is actually more along the lines of what I consider an "otter". Another that I discussed the topic with suggested that overweight is certainly a vague gauge. Personally, I am 6'2", 350lbs, which means my BMI is 44.9 which tips me almost 5 points past "Extremely Obese" (40 BMI), and if I was going off of BMI, I tend to believe that 25+ BMI tends to lend itself to the shape and form that I would put in the Bear/Cub category (where personally, I tend to be attracted to guys in the 30-50 range). blah blah blah blah boring boring...
The *revised* Questions:
1) If you met a person that was totally oblivious to what a bear is, how would you describe what a bear is to that person?
2) Is Otter a term that is obsolete?
3) What do you consider yourself?
Please feel free to add any additional thoughts. I really want to know what people think and feel about this -- and in order for people to express what they think and feel, I have turned on anonymous posting for those that want to say that I am a fat fuck that should drop the Twinkie and pick up a Stairmaster.
I want to go ahead and fully explain something before people accusing me anything nefarious: I am not judging who is and who isn't a bear. Far be it from me to make that determination. Besides, I am just talking about what you think of when you think of a bear. Personality and attitude are the vast majority in my definition, but I leave that out because I was hoping to get something not so broad. In America (and most places it seems), the way you look is what will initially define you to a person. Maybe that is why I hear people joke about hot guys that are very effeminant, or effeminant guys that really lay more trim than Hugh Heffner... the way you look sets up a certian expectation.