"she don't know, it's just the middle of the week"

Jul 18, 2007 14:44

maybe it's me maybe it's because it's just because it's the middle of the week but I'm tiered and bummed out.
I don't know.
it could be because I've been doing absolutely-fuckin-nothing all day even though I woke up in a mood to do stuff, and help my country. but what can I say, we finished most I te things we had to do yesterday and the most intresting thing Iv"e done today is watch some death note episodes.
maybe it's because I had a bad lunch.
or it could be because I'm tiered for some unknown reason and my fan in my room has decided to die.
then again it could be that chaim is in miluim and I haven't seen him since Saturday night. and no matter how many sweet smss he sends me it's not the same as actually being in his arms and smelling his smell (he always smells really good because he takes between 2-3 showers a day).



smile (pickletart is a funny word!). 

complaints, chaim

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