The books! + Les Mierables

Dec 17, 2012 16:40

I have so many books to read! I finished Gone with the Wind sometime ago (what a great book!) and am jumping into Les Miserables. I've always wanted to read the book, but the 1500+ pages scared me for a while, making me think I have no time for it. :p But now, since the movie's almost being released, I thought- what a good time to dive in! So I went to the local library and checked out a copy of it. It was the Norman Denny Penguin classics one. The Signet one wqas pretty much unreadable for me, and the Modern Library by Julie Rose was too modern- heard she tried making it more appealing to modern time people by cutting out entire passages of Les Miserables and replaced it with what she thought was more readable.

So yeah. Denny's edition sounded pretty good to me. And so I opened the book, taking note of the crinkled cover and taped binding. I took a deep breath and flipped the pages, reading the introduction and then going on to the first page of the book. \

I'm around 200+ pages in right now, and it's looking pretty good- drama's going to come, and hit me like a train. I especially love the way Valjean is contemplating on his morals right now, between staying as Madeleine or going in to take the place of Champathieu. Such an interesting character he is!

Either way, after this story, I'm going to finish the long-on-gold book of The Storm of Swords- haven't been reading it since September when I borrowed it from the library and lost it, needing to pay $27 in fines, since there's a $10 "processing fee". I'm seriously thinking it was just to warn me of the consequences. xD

So yup- listening to Les Mis' music (I Dreamed a Dream or Do You Hear the People Sing) and Game of Thrones' theme song is awesome. Especially in this cold weather, curled up, covered in blankets, drinking hot cocca, with rain, and with the book in my hand. :D

I had to purchase the Storm of Swords + A Feast for Crows since I'm afraid of losing the book again. xD But I got them both used in acceptable condition for $7.5 shipped! And I love used books. :3 It is all good- those two books are going to keep me busy for a while. xD

Can't wait to see the movie! Going on premiere day, which is on Christmas, awesome, great day to appreciate life! You going? :D

christmas, game of thrones, holiday, inspirational, life, les mis, oh yeah baby, books

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