My Selection of Music

Dec 17, 2012 15:46

So... has anyone heard of the music genre darkwave neoclassic?

I'm guessing no. It's a very small genre, sort of combining folk, classic, and chamber orchestra all together. Idk, but it's something like that. Anyway, I love all of those genres I pointed out. Folk, classic, chamber orch, and darkwave neoclassical. :3 Especially Two Steps from Hell, Akiko Shikata (her voice is from heaven, I swear), and Globus. These three are my absolute favorite bands.

Globus is the band I listen to whenever it is raining outside. xD Not just for rains, but for other stuff too, like the soldier/dark side of Hetalia. Their Crusaders of the Light is heavenly. Gives me the chills whenever I listen to it. :3 Also when I feel remorse or moody I listen to them to fit my mood. :3 Playing Toontown also fits with this sometimes, especially when fighting the bosses.

Two Steps from Hell (I only like their two albums- Invincible and Archangel; I swear, when I save up for them I'll buy Invincible.) is for getting up in the morning and doing work or rushing to get something done. They help me so much, and make my actions sound like I'm rescuing the world. :D The two I listen to the most from them is To Glory and Archangel. God, Akiko Shikata's Katayoku no Tori and Archangel fits together so much. :D I also listen to them whenever I'm playing Toontown.

Akiko Shikata, my favorite singer... what can I say about you? Your voice is from heaven, and your music is unearthly. In a good way, of course. But anyway... I need to get your albums, but sadly, they're so rare that each of them is well above $30. ;u; Pantalea and Katayoku no Tori are my favorites from her. Those are the first two songs I've heard from her after someone on DeviantArt mentioned her in the comments. YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. //not really, but still I listen to her the most whenever doing anything, and I can't find any new interesing songs. :3

So there it is- my three favorite singers/bands of all time. :D Sometimes I listen to a mainstream song obsessively (etc. Some Nights and We are Young by Fun, and they're actually liked by me too), but other than that, those three are my mains. :3

(:p had to stay home because of stomach flu... oh, I'm scared to see how much work is going to be for me when I return tomorrow ;u;)

life, music, inspirational, oh yeah baby

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