Skool is Stoopid

Oct 12, 2004 23:33

Ok, y'all, if there are any of y'all out there considering business school, don't bother. I feel like I'm surrounded by those kids whose ass I wanted to kick in college. You know, the ones who worry and complain about all the reading and homework, while you're sitting there wondering how it is that they couldn't fit the two hours it took you into their heavy schedule of getting drunk on small amounts of cheap beer, dwelling on how superior they are, and scamming on anyone within their stumbling range. I hate whiner blogs, so I'll cap it at the end of this sentence, but I can't believe that I chose to pay for this shit instead of taking a job that pays actual money in Hawaii.

Halloween. Best. Holiday. Ever. Even considering the drama in my life surrounding it last year. Now that I am a relatively drama-free zone, I will have to do some arts and crafts this year. I only have one decent idea so far, but I think I could justify some pyrotechnics for the costume I have in mind. Because costumes that I build have child safety hazards as a prerequisite. (I have wonderful memories of people staring in horror as a certain little girl at a certain party started playing with my sword a couple years ago. It was, of course, rigged so no normal youngun could pull it free from the scabard, but the looks were priceless...) And speaking of parties, I now have a replacement roomie, so I think I'll have to plan the long-overdue housewarming. I'd have it on my birthday, because it's been over five years since I've had a birthday, but Laura has it booked already, and I must stay at her party all night after my piss-poor party appearance last year.
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