[Filtered to Doc and Holly | From 'Pennywise' Journal | Unhackable]

Jan 02, 2009 22:05

I trust this missive finds you in good health. At the time of my composing it, the pair of you seem to be hanging off the side of a hot air balloon, so really, that could go one of several ways - namely, down, to result in a distinct cracking noise, possibly with a slight splatter. Regardless: coincidence has placed me at the scene of your operation today, and your actions leave me with a few questions. I would appreciate if you took the time to answer them, assuming you survive.

Firstly, less a question than a bit of friendly advice should you happen to receive this message prior to the resolution of events: Drop the pink thing off the side of the balloon, cut your ballast, and leave. The crews of the 4423 and the Winding Way are more focused on retrieving the...whatever it is that you kidnapped, so hurling it off the side should provide you a chance to flee. Considering your track records, and your obstinate mangling of the art of poetry, I would hardly shed a tear were your torn into tiny pieces by the enraged crews, but if you were captured, I would need to find a way to kill both of you before you were tortured for information. Much as I'm sure you both are aware of my fondness for causing havoc, performing such an operation would be at best risky and at worst suicidal.

Hence, if I was forced to do so, I would need to make sure I *really* enjoyed it, as it might very well be my last opportunity to do really horrible things to someone. Think about that for a moment.

Secondly - what in all the bright, burning hells were you two thinking, doing this? How exactly is kidnapping some animal in line with either our methods *or* our goals? Granted, I've heard it has some...fascinating abilities, and it might be useful to spend some time studying it, but if we decided that we wanted to branch out into pet-napping, and if we were going to send someone to take a relatively high-profile target such as this one, we would not send two INCOMPETENT SCREWUPS whose only talent seems to be MAKING AWFUL RHYMES.

Speaking of the rhymes, thirdly - successfully performing an operation and announcing that you are breaking the law to the general populace, as well as those whose property you are stealing, go together like peanut butter and rusty shrapnel. The latter does not belong in the former, unless done for hilarious effect. Had you already gotten away, then it would have been appropriate (well, if it had been phrased in a way other than one which sounded like a four-year-old wrote your lines), but considering your current predicament I think we can agree that is hardly what happened today.

In any event, I wish good luck to the both of you. I will be discussing this little fiasco the next time I speak with the good Madame, and expect to be speaking to you both shortly thereafter about your status within our organization.

Have a pleasant day.

death threats, denouement, giovanni as played by kefka, pennywise, kefka haet morons (also everyone)

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