Nov 19, 2010 23:09
So I randomly decided to post on LJ again, which, according to the frequency of my recent posts will last all of...the next ten minutes, lol. But who knows, maybe I'll stick with it this time.
Not a whole lot going on right now. Just got done with my twelve week classes, which ended well I think. My poetry professor brought in bourbon for a farewell toast, and it was wicked classy (not even kidding). We toasted to the "makers"--all those who create and shape the world through art, but primarily poets. It was pretty cool.
I got a long boring weekend ahead of me, which is actually kind of nice. I just have a few assignments to write up, but the rest is at my leisure, which hasn't happened in a while. It would be a hell of a lot nicer if I had my effing laptop, though. I could really use some WoW or some pirated anime, or both. :c
I hope my friends recover a little bit this weekend. Everyone at Hiram has been at like defcon 2 for the last week and it's been making me want to shout from the rooftops with a bullhorn and say, "You're lives are not ending. This is not the end of the world. Everyone calm the fuck down!" Either that, or everyone should meet on the football field for a public airing of the grievances(Festivus style!). I mean, i know it's stressful, but that's no reason to unload several shotgun rounds of emotional shrapnel into the asses of your best friends. Not. Cool.
Something else exciting...Mary Jo comes home in 22 days! Not that life isn't good right now, despite the aforementioned difficulties, but it will be soooo much better when she gets home. :3 She's in gay Paris right now though, which is super duper exciting. I hope she's having old time? Anyway, I'm so proud of her for this. I mean, sure I've had some bad moments over the last thirteen weeks. I've said hurtful things to Mary Jo, making an utter ass of myself in the process; I've cried in my basement...a lot; and I've also had seven shots of whiskey and ended up yelling at myself in the mirror until I...well, I already mentioned the crying. I shouldn't drink whiskey. Point being, it's been rough at times, but I got through it, and so has Mary Jo, although she's been a lot stronger than I have and I am so proud of her for that. She really is just a beacon of strength, beauty, intelligence, kindness, hilarity, and just general awesomeness. Bloody hell I'm lucky. December eleventh needs to get here faster.