Eventhough, I do not disbelieve that these websites actually do work, I tend to have a little bit of problem actually believing all the advertising that people puts into selling themselves over the internet.
Ads that have pictures of people are really good indicators of what the person looks like, but when the picture looks like a picture of a Criminal; then I think that person should repost a newer picture, even if it a grainy out of focus one, that is a lot better then one that makes them look like a recent discharge for a State or County Correctional Facility.
Now before you go and get your panties all bunched up over this, cause you have a relative or know a former convict who has turned themselves around. I'm not singling out those unfortumate individuals who get caught committing a crime and has paid their debt to society. Just that some people should not be posting pictures that put themselves in a bad way.
OK!!! Enough with that Ranting......And Yes, I've been roaming through the Personal Websites again. ~sighs~ And now that I'm throughly depressed over it. I've decided to type into my LJ.
Tis not surprising that CISP is letting go, just about everybody at the T1 level, since they lost Momentum Communications. A Comment on this: I'm glad to hear that Momentum has taken the hint that their way sucked for signing up people for the internet. On the down side CISP has poorly planned for it and it shows in the "Lay Offs". Any of the former Employees know that CISP thinks ass backwards when it comes to active planning. Being proactive to CISP is not to heard of, they would rather be reactive and run around like chicken's.
I am very glad to hear that another employee was lucky enough to make it out of there on her own terms. Congrats to
ginalvsbnl for getting the Job at the Unversity of Toledo with the Better Benefits and the opportunity to get her Masters Degree. Cheers!!!
Cheers also goes to
live2cdfor actively seeking employment after getting the sad news, I mean the good news, lol. I thought Joy was Bullet proof, but I guess we found this to not true....Goes to show you that friendship is not thicker than mud......ROFLMAO. If I was still working there I would not be worrying about the call quality, since no one is there to monitor this, which was supposed to be Oh So Important as a selling point to the "Potential Customers" but I guess this point has gone out the door.
At least they have the Redundant Battery Backup for the entire building and that makes me feel real warm......LOL.
Well, I guess it's time for me to get back to helping those unfortunate Cable Modem Users and get assist them getting online again. ;)