
Dec 11, 2012 02:04

Updating this some, eventually it may become a proper directory of my characters. Originally for a secret santa exchange on the oekaki board. If you read this regularly, the most interesting part would probably be the pics by other people (which I intend to post sometime, anyway). All furry characters right now, maybe I'll add some others later.

Really, a pic of any of my characters would be good, but here are the ones i most ask for...

My fursona: just me as a cat, continuityless, can be either quadruped or anthro. Variants are good, too.
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/CatgirlMel/fursona-cute.png , pic collage, by sakura-chan, by Moo, quad sketch, anthro sketch

werewolf me: A what if. Either quadraped or anthro, whatever degree of anthroness you prefer (all my ref pics are in wolf form, but feel free to draw humanoid, and if you go with human type hair it's like the fursona's). Breaks a lot of werewolf sterotypes, being a friendly, geeky Christian with a good bit of mechanical aptitude. Often an outcast, among humans, for being a werewolf, among werewolves for not being how werewolves are "supposed to be".
reference: sketch, color ref, by Miss Scythe

Max: Anthro, horse-unicorn hybrid. Detective, sees himself as hard-boiled.
reference: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/CatgirlMel/sketches/Maxhurry.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/CatgirlMel/sketches/maxspinsmall.gif , http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/CatgirlMel/sketches/maxserioussmall.gif , not good color ref, but at least in color, http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/CatgirlMel/sketches/Maxpark.gif , pic by rob0tt
Off-white fur, dirty blond hair/tail, gray eyes. Usually wears tan trenchcoat and brown fedora. Film noir influence.

Myrrhina: Pegasus anthro. Sweet, outdoorsey, traveller.
reference: cute sketch, less cute sketch, color, by digidragon
White fur, black mane/tail, dark blue eyes. Vaguely medieval-ish fantasy influence

Annarra: Star Wars fan character, cat person (Trainii) jedi. (anthro) sketches: from behind cape handstand (still need to put up a color ref)
fur is cold (blueish) gray, with warm (brownish) gray chest/belly and white feet (gray hands, though)
blue/green eyes, blue toward the middle. Small, and slight of build. Usually wears a cloak, or jedi robes, or just the belt. She carries a cyan lightsaber.


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