
Jan 27, 2003 20:00

it is so cold outside i think my feet are going to fall off! today i sat in my mom's car for and hour and a half while her and my sister were at physical therapy. i was sooooo cold until i called her and FORCED her to let me turn the car on with the heat. i think she was afraid i would drive away...which is a BIG possibility. muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa...::cough cough cough:: ::hack hack:: ::cough:: ::fall off chair:: ::stop breathing:: ::die:: haha wow....mmm i'm bored. good stuff! yeah so anyway....not too much is going on. the used is coming and i'm not sure if i can go b/c we are supposed to be going to alexandria that night but i'm thinking i can convince my dad to stay with me on friday night and we can just drive down on saturday so i can rock out at the concert...i'm reaaaaaally hoping he'll stay. oh man...that would really suck. grunt. so i got grounded from going out with jimmy for like a week or two for going to an R rated movie with NUTS is that?! i think thats pretty darn nuts. yup. so apparently we have a concert on thursday night that i was totally unaware of...i think i need to figure that one out. i was about to say something but i don't remember what it was....oh yeah! a while back my mom said that if i got a C in geometry (this was when i had a 42%) i could do whatever i wanted to my i think i'm finally going to have purple hair...ah my life long dream....but not the whole head, just like streaks at the bottom like jess's or something like that....i'm not sure yet but if no purple then definatly dark brown. not black...i dont think i could pull that off like some people, but dark. ;-) yay. i'm excited. i'm so excited! that i just can't hide it! anyway. jillian is practicing her guitar behind me and the strings are really out of tune so it's not sounding too hot. oh geez. but i blaim the strings, not jillian's playing ability just for the record. MRS CHRISTY IS FINALLY GONE!!!!!!! i'm so glad i don't have to deal with that stupid rat woman anymore! meisters all together sucks ass...i'm definatly dropping it next year. i started word processing today and it is officially the stupidest class ever. every time i have switched schools they've made me take some variation of that class or a test or something and i'm really getting sick of typing asdfjkl; ;lkjfdsa over and over again. kill me please! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! yeah. hhhhmmmmmmmmm.... there's not much else to say so i'm not going to say much else! bye!
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