I am internet famous.

May 05, 2010 08:58


Apparently some asshole saw my video and showed it to other assholes. Now I've had some really mean comments show up on my pooping at school video because these guys decided it would be funny.
Its funny though becasue they think Im 17. :)

"Sherman said "War is hell".

Sartre said "Hell is other people".

Bailey said "Hell is a kind of fat high school girl in ironi-glasses who goes by "alotofcheese"on YouTube where she makes videos about pooping and how none of her 17 year old classmates share her taste in hella indie hipster bullshit music that would be better suited for that creepy 30 year old dude with a lumberjack beard that perpetually hangs around record stores and is always looking for anything Merge or Orange Twin put out".


asshole people

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