Mar 25, 2010 18:29

      Wow. Today I had the WORST sub in one of my classes. She HATED children, and the entire time was sneering at everybody. Her voice was especially nasally so I think I could say she matched the description of a sub from like...well hell. She kept getting really angry at me so reason and giving me EVIL looks, I actually didn't do anything worth pooping your pants about so maybe she did poop her pants that morning and was depressed or something. ANYWAYS she did this weird creepy thing where she walked around the room having kids sign a "Good List." Of course me being the TERRIBBLLLEEE rebbellious TEEENAGGGGERRR I am, I didn't get to sign it until the end, and she wanted me to sign the very bottom, of course I said no. I am not putting up with crap like that. She also said "If you have a smile on your face I know your not working." and "This side of teh room is good, this side of the room is bad." She kept saying how shes going to call the councling office even though we actually as a whole class weren't being terrible at all. especially when we had to work with partners.
Wow lady. She kind of looked like the below picture but alittle bit more jewish.

Oh and: Lady GaGa needs to furfill her gay duties and host a gay empowerment concert!!
The World would SMILE.

sub from hell.

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