Things of interest to the interested and/or the interesting:

Jan 22, 2009 22:24

1: My first published adventure (available HERE!) is apparently doing quite well - it's listed as the current #1 bestseller among Pathfinder Society Scenarios, and listed as the #8 bestseller for all of Paizo's products - or "Paizoducts", as I like to call them.

That ... is pretty fucking cool. Even if it is, as I suspect, the result of a clerical error of some type.

2. Speaking of Paizo and how awesome they are, my good friend Matt Banach is one of the Top 32, currently competing in the 2009 edition of the RPG Superstar! competition that made me the man I am to today.

Okay, fine, Mountain Dew & cigarettes made me the man I am today.

Anyway: check out his awesome submission RIGHT HERE!

... then keep an eye out for his villain, and be sure to VOTE!

3. On the CreativeJuices/PSA front, yesterday officially marked the official release of the Official Unofficially Official CreativeJuices7 Fan Site - check it out, join, post, and share with whomever you like.

Much love to all my LJ peeps, and HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY to my Emmy-Baby!

4. And with that, he vanished in a puff of smoke.
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