"Welcome back, Boomer!" - the LJ

Aug 10, 2008 00:12

Wait, this fucking account is still active? That's balls-out WILD!

Hmm ... where to start? Alright, first and foremost, go read this:


... and that, kids, is what blogging CAN be. Not what it often IS, and certainly not what this blog has been, of late, but it's pretty goddamn indicative of what a really good blog can strive to achieve. That fucking post, written by someone I've never heard of and on a topic I'd never before been even remotely interested in, was FASCINATING.

That's super-duper.

But even during the innumerable times that this blog - the one you're reading right now, the "ThatBoomerKid_1" blog - hasn't been anywhere NEAR as good as the above post, I've truly enjoyed flooding this page with chunks of my own semi-digested brain matter. Sometimes because I have a brainstorm that just won't go away, sometimes because I want to bitch about how my balls itch really bad, and sometimes simply because I'm hammered as shit and there's really no better way to tell the world how ripped off your tits you are than to log on to the Inter-Tubes and simultaneously drunk-dial the entire world.

For example: "L0L I"M so fukked up-right nao!1!"

Regardless, I really dig going back through my old writing and discovering what I was into, or reading, or thinking about on certain days. How I've changed, or grown, or totally failed to grow. A little tunnel, always looking back through time to specific moments. It's wild to me realize, with sympathetic horror, that I was ever as obsessed with religion as I apparently was.

That poor little bastard, I think to myself, now.

Also: porn is SO much easier to find on the Internet now! Fuck, I wish there had been a redtube.com or a tube8.com when I was younger.

Anyway, point being: Mystery Internet Writer has pointed out to me that I don't use this blog for anything except linking to my YouTube videos. And that's sad - I should at least try to PLUG my YouTube videos! You know - SELL them! Talk about how great they are! Give a little behind-the-scenes info on them or some shit! Fuck, if you're the sort of person who's going to watch those videos whether I give you a compelling reason to watch them or not, then you're probably a subscriber, and why the anally-bleeding Christ would I need to to a link HERE!?!?

... sorry, little carried away.

But random Mystery Internet Writer is right, goddamn it. Just like that little girl who wrote to Abraham Lincoln and told him to grow a beard. Brothers and sisters - this LiveJournal is my beard.

For the sake me, who likes reading my old LJ entries and giggling at how stupid I was only months ago, and for the sake of Mystery Internet Writer, who seems honest-to-god SAD that I don't update with writing anymore, and for the sake of my homies scattered far and wide across this big, blue orb called Earth, here's me, right now:

My life is ... very hectic right now. But hectic in the best of all possible ways - ways that occasionally make me go "oh, holy fuck, I'm exhausted" and occasionally make me go "oh, holy fuck, I can't believe how lucky I am." And as I say that, my girlfriend is in the next room, making me a Presto costume and listening to the Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog.

Holy fuck, I can't believe how lucky I am.

As for news: on Wednesday, my darling Emmy and I head to GenCon. Yes, my first GenCon since 2000 (the release of 3E!), when I had the time of my damn life with my buddies Matt & Kent. And this year, I'm going to be doing a LOT more shit, including pimping the release of my first for-pay, published work:

... running a pair of Pathfinder Society Scenarios:

... helping out with Ascension of the Drow:

... and otherwise hanging out with the WereCabbages & trying not to make an ass out of myself.
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