Feb 27, 2010 22:30
...in spite of their religion, and not because of it.
I find it sickening that people look on every calamity as evidence of their impending "complete" point. Chile has severe earthquakes every 25-100 years, and yet this reminds you of some cryptic "prophecy" about how there will be "Wars, and rumors of wars" and "Earthquakes in various places".
There has never been a point in humankind's recorded history when there haven't been "Wars, and rumors of wars" and "earthquakes in various places"! We are such a small species on this planet (ants vastly outweigh humans in biomass), and to think that these natural movements are signs of your god's impending judgment is facetious and presumptive in the greatest. To attribute such things (displacing 1.5 million people) as the act of a "loving" god boggles my mind.