Fic: Headlights (sam and dean, theme 1; elemental)

Jan 22, 2013 13:26

Title: Headlights
Author: thatauthor_chic
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Theme: 01 - Elemental
Prompt: 11 - Light
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I don't own the car, the boys or anything remotely to do with the Supernatural show. Just taking them for a little joyride through my imagination.
Summary: The thing about lights is that sooner or later they tend to go out.

How had things gone so wrong? Dean couldn’t figure it out. Couldn’t spare the time to try. It should’ve been an easy job but here he was, coughing his way down an unfamiliar hallway choking on smoke so thick he couldn’t see the hand in front of his face. “Sam!” Where the hell was his brother, anyway? He’d been two steps behind just a second ago. “Sammy?” Frantic now and barely able to breathe Dean was stumbling over his own two feet. Worrying with every passing moment that the next thing he tripped over would be Sam’s unconscious body.

So much for a little holy water and a couple of lines of Latin, huh? “Sam!” His lungs felt as if they were on fire, his throat filling up with phlegm as his body fought off the effects of the smoke and ash. Giving up on the hollering (it wasn’t coming out more than a wheeze anyway) Dean pulled out his phone and tried dialing out. If he was lucky Sam had managed to get out, if not then maybe the ring tone would lead him to his brother’s side.

Relief flooded through him when Sam answered on the first ring, the sound of sirens a tinny backdrop to his brother’s concern. “Dean! Where the hell are you man?” Great! So he was alone in a burning building. Well, what else was new? “The fire department’s on their way but they’re taking their sweet ass time. Apparently there are a lot of false alarms in these buildings.” Oh, fantastic! He was screwed. “Sam, I’m still inside. There’s too much smoke, I can’t tell where the hell I am or how the hell to get out.” What a nightmare this had turned out to be. “What?” But Dean couldn’t answer anymore. He was on his knees hacking up a lung and trying to hang up the phone so Sam wouldn’t have to listen to him die so pathetically. Somewhere in the distance the crackle of the flames brought campfires to mind that left him wishing there really was one nearby. At least with a campfire there was some sort of light cast so a guy could see his way around. Tears stung in his eyes like acid helping absolutely nothing.

Sam rode in like one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, crashing the Impala right through the side of the building with the kind of racket usually preceded by trumpeting angels. “Dean!” Nothing more than a giant silhouette against the glare of headlights he loomed in the distance, forever away. With all the smoke swirling around, rushing out the gaping hole his car had made, the whole scene looked an awful lot like the cheesy horror flicks they used to watch with Bobby.
He couldn’t think of a better way to end the nightmare, his baby’s headlights lighting the way out.

type: fiction, author: thatauthor_chic, table: 01, claim: dean & sam

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