Okay, so an avid blogger I am apparently not...

May 07, 2012 12:58

After five years of trying to convince myself I'm awesome at it, I've decided it's time to face the truth: I am horribly inconsistent not only with the blogging but also with posting my art, my writing. It's alright though. Feels oddly freeing to own up to it finally. lol Maybe now that I'm owning up to it I might be better motivated to actually post more often. Maybe.

Real Life has been sort of crazy lately, in a good way I think. A week after March Break and the little man going back to school concussion-free I went from having one daycare child to five. Four of them are before and after school kids, the other is about to start school in September. She's with me in the mornings while her mother is at work. It's a pleasant sort of busy and I'm really enjoying it. Especially now that the weather is nicer. Less humidity and rain, more sun and warmth; it's a combination that makes my Fibro as happy as it will ever be. Also, I'm never happier than when I have a house full of children, laughter and love. My home hasn't been this full since I moved back into this apartment from the townhouse.

The munchkin seems to have recovered almost fully from his little knock on the noggin. Every so often he'll get a headache from being somewhere loud or harsh lighting. A little Advil, some rest and he's fine though so we got pretty lucky there (touch wood). Last week he developed a bad case of swimmer's ear, which was a surprise to the nurse practitioner who saw him because he doesn't swim on a regular basis. He knows how, it's just mainly a summer activity for us given how susceptible we both are to getting chills, colds, flus and such. It's uncomfortable but the drops are working. I feel for the poor kid, though. It really hasn't been much of a good year so far. He's pretty good at making lemonade out of lemons though so morale is good.
Right now we're getting ready for the big birthday in a couple of weeks. It's the big 12. He's decided this means he's officially a teenager. We've got some really great party ideas. Every year we get a little more creative, this year will be no exception. We've just got to keep the kid accident/injury free until then.

Finally, to kick off Fibro-insomnia season, I've been writing again. What can I say? I've got all this free time now that I'm not wasting it on silly things like sleep. So I figure why not do something productive with it, right? Cat, if you're aboot, this means new chapters to the Angel story I started writing two years ago. I'll be posting some draft chapters over at Writer's Cafe later today. Fingers crossed I see some reviews there. I've also got some new chapters for the Supernatural slightly AU fanfiction I write over on fanfiction.net. I don't get a lot of feedback on the fanfiction front on that particular site but it's nice to know I've got somewhere to put it where folks can read it if they feel so inclined. Feel free to pop in at either, or both, should you feel like browsing through some of my work. As my own worst critic I have to admit it's a little rough around the edges but I've only ever had good reviews so I guess I can't be that bad, eh?

Alright, I guess that's it for the monthly ramble. Take care all. See you in June. ^_^

angel story, catching up, little man, writer's cafe, fanfiction, monthly ramble

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