Mar 28, 2010 22:47
Either my self-esteem is high today, or I actually lost weight this week from having NO TIME TO EAT. Seriously, this week I have been busier than everrrr. I had to do this giant 5x3 foot painting. And I felt like I wouldn't get it done by the time they kicked me out of the art building, because the little creativity douche-bag in my head decided it would look really cool if I sewed one of the figures onto the canvas. Why would I decide to sew through fleece and canvas and gesso?? BECAUSE the creativity douche-bag told me to. I had to use pliers to pull the damn needle through. Hurgh. We tried to fit the damn thing in my car like six different ways, but it would not go in no matter what angle we had it at or how we moved the seats. So I had to carry it home, but when I got halfway, I looked up just in time to see a huge bolt of lightning spell out "DEATH TO YOUR PAINTING" in the sky, and I decided to take the bus and hope that it wouldn't be full of people who would run into and ruin my wet painting (and I got lucky, because it wasn't). That made Richard panic, because I was super late getting home and he thought I died in the storm. Anyway, the painting ended up kind of cool. But we'll find out Tuesday what the class thinks. We all had to write down in order our top eight paintings out of everyone's, and the instructor is going to tally them up and find out who has the best scores. Which makes me unspeakably nervous. :[ No matter how cool I think my painting is, I always get to class to find myself, in my opinion, in the bottom third.
But you know who thinks I DON'T suck? IGNAZ GORISCHEK. I can tell you his official title and stop calling him Mr. Neiman Marcus man, because I got his business card this time around. He is the Vice President of Store Development. Which sounds pretty intense to me. I had my meeting with him on Friday, and I thought I really screwed up when the first thing he said to me was, "Well, you look nice and casually dressed today!" But the Director of Development at the College of Visual Arts and Design was there too, and she quickly said to him, "Yes, it's casual Friday! I thought about dressing up nice for you, but I figured Friday would be an alright excuse," and smiled at me. Whew. We went into the Dean's conference room and stood there kind of awkwardly for two seconds. And then Mr. Gorischek basically said, "alright, go!" Being the smart person I am, I started with "UHHHH." But after I showed him a couple paintings and saw how positive he was being about my work, I loosened up considerably. He liked my paintings quite well, and when I began showing my drawings, he got pretty excited. He really enjoyed the skeletons and suggested that I pursue that line of work. He's one of many who have told me that, so I think skeletons are going to be my niche. Mr. Gorischek wants me to e-mail him future work I do. Ahh! THAT'S PRETTY COOL.
In other news, I need a job terribly. But every time Richard nags me to go out and get one, it makes me want to slack off more. I want to sell some paintings, but I need to get the canvas for them and then start them. And then figure out how to sell them. Maybe if I post some pictures of them up on Facebook? I can dream that people will want to buy them. Right?