Nov 26, 2006 16:38
I'm naked. It takes me a long time to get dressed after I shower. I'd rather just lounge around naked all day. Maybe I will.
Ayeeeee, how things change. And how things never change. A paradox, maybe. If things weren't allowed to change...but weren't allowed to stay the same either, what would they be? Someone fucking shut me up. FIX YOUR FACE. For the sake of all humankind. Thank you.
I'm so maddddd. No I'm not. Because I'm tired of caring. But you should know how fucked up that is. And you should know how fucked up that is. And you too, should probably know how fucked up that is, as well. I'm only saving you from ignorance. Ignorance isn't cool... except when its in the context of something like wondering why that bird doesn't have arms, then realizing birds never have arms. Thats not ignorance. That is fucking awesomosity.
PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX TO COLDPLAY. Its just lame, okay? Please just stop having sex in general. Because your babies would be fucking hid. Hid as in hideous. :( No honestly, they probably would.
I'll throw up on you. :)
I want to go home. And go home. And not worry about things. And go home. And sleep and sleep and eat and be spoiled. I want to be spoiled. You used to spoil me. I want to go home. And go home and hug my dog. I love my dog. I probably love my dog more than I love you.
Its natural.
Coffee makes me happy.
I am happy today if you were wondering :)
I guess I'll go not get dressed.