i cant remember what i was going to say

Jan 01, 2006 15:34

well these last few days that i have been mia have been both really fun and really sucky. i was sick all thursday and friday so not much to say there. never mind there is something to say there, scince i was sick i stayed with my grandparents because my dad was also disgustingly sick, well anyways my grandmother is the kind of person who figures medicine will fix anything, me no! i do not think that way at all, anyways again she spent the whole day shoving me full of finerdin, in case you didnt know finerdin is a highly potent drug that knocks you out and makes it where you dont feel the pain, know i didnt know that she was shoving me full of this till i was fully welll and concious again. anyways for a third time, i think i might be ADD, at some point during my delerium arguing with someone about what day it was, i was saying no your wrong its late saturday because the first is on sunday and today is the 31st, in all actuality it was early morning friday.
well i hung out with dara for new years, we had much fun and didnt go to sleep till like 3 or four in the morining because we were busy being random stupid idiots.
we watched lots'o'movies and watched the ball drop, for all you people who have never seen it drop belive me its not that exciting its actually a big disapointment, especially the first time.
we woke up and went to church, suprisingly i wasnt that tired, church was halarious due to my growling stomach and the singing. well thts all
tata for now

to anyone who cares the huge splinter curently residing in my butt has now turned purple, im trying not to think about it or ill completely freak myself out thinking up worst case senarios.
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