im back!!

Dec 26, 2005 17:18

im so happy to be back but i have to say it wasnt so horrible this time i actually had a pretty good time, yay! thats good.

cant really remember that much about this paticullar day, all i remember is i went out to eat with my grandaddy at jim'n'nicks and thats about all.

my mom and karl had a huge fight the night before about exs' so he wasnt around at all on this paticular day, my mom, my nana, my sister, and i all went out to eat at j. alexanders, the food was awsome and we had alot of fun, i also fully recognised how emberrassing my family is at resteraunts, i wanted to slide down in the seat and hope no one recognised me. after we ate we went to my aunts to open the presents from my grandmother, she gave me both awsome and halarious presents, my favorite was the light-up bear that changes color in the dark.

finally decorated for christmas, if you didnt think i was a procrastinator now its offical. i got some of the decorations out of the attic, when i opened the little door thingy some gray hairy thing fell on me and it was so gross but im fine with not knowing what it is. i cleaned the house then put up the decorations, scince we didnt have a tree i got the white metal lawn decoration tree out of the garage and put it in the dinning room. scine the lights on it didnt work i strung colored lights on it, hungs some ornaments on it, and put a tree skirt on it, then put the presents under it, suprisingly it looked really good. from the outside you cant even tell its not green at all, or fake.
then we went to my aunts where i slept by the heater the whole time while my mom and karl went shopping. when we got home my sister wraped my presents and i wrapped hers then we opened the presents from my mom.

woke up at nine, santa came but all he left me was a stocking, i really am happy with just that, but i was wondering what were all the things i did naughty, i didnt think i was on the naughty list, i thought i was really good this year. played disney monopoly alot, took a shower, and wasnt ready when my dad got there at 3, oops, so i looked horrible at the christmas party, too bad. the party wasnt anything special played dirty santa and ate good food, the best part was when the baby threw up on my dad, it was halarious. went to my memes and opened the presents from her, it was fun and i got some awsome presents.

woke up had to clean and organize my room, never knew i had so much crap, so i threw it away and put up all my presents, got the rest of my presents from my dad, a thing that plays the music on my ipod aloud, and an ipod thing for my car that plays the music over the car stereo, its awsome. sisters sick and throwing up gross, i really hope i dont get sick. watched christmas vacation, for the first time ever, shocking, i know, thats all for today.
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