I've got...the craziest urge to play...Ken post Super Street Fighter II, using only the sexy array of kicks he picked up. Ugh! Where did that come from?! I HAVE been playing older stuff lately, it's weird. Playing Keely in SSF4 the other evening made me want to take the game out and really give it a go. It's been too long. Game needs dusting.
It's also been too long since I posted new stuffs, mostly because I haven't pushed as hard to get things done lately. I lost any momentum I had coming out of the beginning of the year, and have thus far been unable to get it back.
The second image was alright, but I think I can do better. It's not too bad considering much the detail would've been hidden by the character I planned to hang in the sky over this background, or that it takes place at night. I'm gonna take another shot at it, though.
I hit Annapolis this weekend with Brian, Jason, and Lamar, did lots of walking and a little boat/people watching down by the water. While there, we checked out the comic book shop Marc and I skipped during our trip back in Novemember. I'd expected the heat to wipe me out completely, but it didn't. The day actually turned out to be perfect weather-wise, and the humidity held off 'til Monday when I didn't mind wasting basement hours on a JRPG--that I need to fucking finish so I can get back to kicking people with Ken!
Drawing, too!