I am woman, hear me roar.

Mar 14, 2009 01:04

Is it sad that comments on ljsecret  are driving me insane right now?

Pardon my French, but I am so fucking tired of these so-called "feminists." Yes, do you hear that?


A feminist is somebody who believes in equality of the sexes. PERIOD. THE END.

It does not mean a person who looks for misogyny in anything and everything, and spends their time riding a moral high-horse to try to spread their "enlightenment."

It's so unbelievably black and white to these people - you can't be pro-choice and personally not ever under any circumstances want to have an abortion, because then you're just another oppressed woman crumbling under the fist of this evil patriarchal society.

Um, no. Maybe I am a woman who is exercising my goddamn right to choose - choose whether abortion, should I ever become sexually active, would be something I would turn to.

Also, I apparently am not a feminist if I think that there is a difference between a woman who has careless, unprotected sex and has an abortion (and no, please, I am NOT talking about rape victims - that would be sick), and a woman who uses protection, still gets pregnant, and has an abortion. One has my sympathy, the other does not. If you're going to have sex and don't want to get pregnant, then please. Take some precautions, for God's sake. Obviously, there are exceptions, I am aware of that, and I'm not trying to put people into two categories.

I'm just so tired of this rampant black-and-white-one-way-or-the-other type of mindset. Are there no shades of grey?

Now, don't get me wrong. I am fully aware that sexism is alive and well, and I am under no illusions that it's going anywhere any time soon. I'm just tired of people treating it with this kind of close-minded attitude.

On that note, I think it's time for a poll. I really am interested to hear your opinions, so please don't hold back.

Poll Feminists vs. FeminazisPhew. I honestly don't know where all that came from - I was just reading the arguments over this one secret poster who said they were pro-choice but were saddened that SOME women who have unprotected sex SOMETIMES seem to use abortion as a form of birth control, and getting angrier and angrier. A lot of people made some valid points, but I felt like a lot of it was all just, "Well, since you don't think abortion is something to take lightly, you're obviously for the oppression of women everywhere YAHHHH!"

*sigh* I didn't even want to bother getting into it with some of the people there, because eighty other people had already gone down that road and had gotten nowhere. Plus, it is also nearly two in the morning. I tend to get passionate when I'm sleep deprived.

this is what a feminist looks like, general wtf-ery, grrr, rant, poll time

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